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Loss of Epigenetic Barrier is Required for Enhancer Hijacking-Mediated Oncogenic Transcription

Structural variants (SVs) involving enhancer hijacking can disrupt chromatin topologies to cause oncogene activation in cancer genomes, yet the molecular determinants for the transcriptional output of enhancer hijacking remain largely unknown. We developed a multimodal approach to integrate genome sequencing, chromosome conformation, and sequence-based deep learning for quantitative analysis of transcriptional effects and structural reorganization imposed by SVs in leukemic genomes. We identified candidate pathogenic SVs including recurrent t(5;14) translocations that cause the hijacking of BCL11B enhancers for oncogenic activation of TLX3-dependent transcriptional programs. By engineering patient-associated t(5;14) in isogenic leukemia cells, we uncovered an uncharacterized mechanism whereby DNA methylation serves as an epigenetic barrier to enhancer hijacking and loss of epigenetic barrier is a molecular determinant for the transcriptional output of pathogenic SVs. Hence, leveraging the epigenetic barriers of SV-mediated oncogenic programs may provide new opportunities to reprogram gene regulation as epigenetic therapies in human disease.

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EGAD00001008659 unspecified 11
Publications Citations
Structural variation cooperates with permissive chromatin to control enhancer hijacking-mediated oncogenic transcription.
Blood 142: 2023 336-351