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This data set contains whole exome sequences of 500 individuals with self-stated parental relatedness from the East London Genes & Health cohort. Rare frequency functional variants in these healthy individuals will be studied with respect to the genetic health of the participants and loss-of-function analysis of human genes.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003215 Illumina HiSeq 2000 Illumina HiSeq 2500 -
EGAD00001004150 Illumina HiSeq 4000 -
EGAD00001004581 -
EGAD00001005469 -
EGAD00001008736 1
Publications Citations
Predicting novel candidate human obesity genes and their site of action by systematic functional screening in Drosophila.
PLoS Biol 19: 2021 e3001255
Rare variant contribution to cholestatic liver disease in a South Asian population in the United Kingdom.
Sci Rep 13: 2023 8120