5624 results for "canc*"
in 13.98 milliseconds.
Tumour sample for patient SA495
Tumour sample for patient SA683
Tumour sample for patient SA682
Tumour sample for patient SA681
Tumour sample for patient SA680
Tumour sample for patient SA679
Tumour sample for patient SA678
Tumour sample for patient SA677
Tumour sample for patient SA676
Tumour sample for patient SA675
Tumour sample for patient SA674
Tumour sample for patient SA673
Normal sample for patient SA679
Normal sample for patient SA680
Normal sample for patient SA681
Normal sample for patient SA682
Normal sample for patient SA683
Normal sample for patient SA678
Normal sample for patient SA677
Normal sample for patient SA673
Normal sample for patient SA676
Normal sample for patient SA674
Normal sample for patient SA675
Targeted DNA sequencing dataset for the study "Molecular profiling of EBV associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma"
Whole-genome sequencing of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) tumours and matched normals from long-term survivors.