5624 results for "canc*"
in 11.83 milliseconds.
Somatic mutation of SF3B1 in myelodysplasia with ring sideroblasts and other cancers
Gastric Cancer Exome Sequencing
Tandem duplication of chromosomal segments is common in ovarian and breast cancer genomes
Triple Negative Breast Cancer sequencing
Breast Cancer Follow Up Series
Cancer Single Cell Sequencing
ALK inhibitors in the context of ALK-dependent cancer cell lines
Genomics of Colorectal Cancer Metastases - Massively Parallel Sequencing of Matched Primary and Metastatic tumours to Identify a Metastatic Signature of Somatic Mutations (MOSAIC)
20 Matched Pair Breast Cancer Genomes
Matched Ovarian Cancer Sequencing
ER-, HER2-, PR- breast Cancer genome sequencing
Cancer Exome Resequencing
Breast Cancer Exome Resequencing
Cancer Genome Libraries Tests
Matched breast cancer fusion gene study
Breast Cancer Exome Sequencing
Mutational landscapes of primary triple negative breast cancers - Exomes
Mutational landscapes of primary triple negative breast cancers - WGS
Breast Cancer Whole Genome Sequencing
HER2 positive Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Whole Genomes
Breast Cancer Matched Pair Cell Line Whole Genomes
Mutational landscapes of primary triple negative breast cancers - RNA seq
The landscape of cancer genes and mutational processes in breast cancer
Mutational processes moulding the genomes of 21 breast cancers