3740 results for "*oma"
in 28.30 milliseconds.
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic lung adenocarcinoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic ampullar carcinoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic osteosarcoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic leiomyosarcoma of pancreas patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a uterine sarcoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a metastatic melanoma patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma (colorectal cancer) patient
Genome and transcriptome sequence data from a leiomyosarcoma patient