3247 results for "*geneti*"
in 25.43 milliseconds.
CD49f single-cell methylomes
HipSci HumanExome BeadChip analysis - Macular Dystrophy
HipSci HumanHT 12 Expression BeadChip analysis - Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Targeting FGFR1 for treatment of soft-tissue sarcoma (H021)
HipSci HumanExome BeadChip analysis - Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxias
HipSci HumanExome BeadChip analysis - Kabuki syndrome
HipSci___Whole_Exome_sequencing___Usher syndrome and congenital eye defects
In this study, we performed exon sequencing (WXS) of 80 paired Brain cancer tumors and adjacent normal tissues to identify novel potential biomarkers. We extracted mutational signatures which induce somatic mutations . Our study covers a comprehensive genetic framework that can be used in clinical trials and treatment modalities in Brain cancer.
Hip OA Functional Genomics