3246 results for "*geneti*"
in 21.32 milliseconds.
Genotype data
Clinical phenotypes/covariates
eQTL summary statistics
RNA-seq as a tool for evaluating human embryo competence
UAMS Smoldering Myeloma Timeline Cohort
May 2019 data update (fastq) for reference epigenomes generated at Centre for Epigenome Mapping Technologies, Genome Sciences Center, B.C. Cancer Agency as part of the International Human Epigenome Consortium.
Whole Genome Sequencing data for epigenetic subgroups of meningioma
Control iPSC lines with clinically annotated genetic variants for versatile multi-lineage differentiation Committee
The identification of genetic vulnerabilities in head and neck cancers for the development of novel treatments. (2019-06-10)
GWAS results from Danjou et al, Nature Genetics 2015