3246 results for "*geneti*"
in 36.52 milliseconds.
Data files for PCGP SJACT WES
Data files for PCGP SJACT RNASEQ
Epigenome maps of time-resolved monocyte to macrophage differentiation and innate immune memory
Blueprint: A human variation panel of genetic influences on epigenomes and transcriptomes in three immune cells, (ChIP-Seq_H3K4me3 for mature neutrophil, on genome GRCh37)
Blueprint: A human variation panel of genetic influences on epigenomes and transcriptomes in three immune cells, (ChIP-Seq_H3K27me3 for mature neutrophil, on genome GRCh37)
September 2016 data update (bam/fastq/vcf) for reference epigenomes generated at Centre for Epigenome Mapping Technologies, Genome Sciences Center, B.C. Cancer Agency as part of the International Human Epigenome Consortium.
Epigenetic dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder
Prognostic relevance of microenvironmental factors CD163 and CD8 combined with EZH2 and chromosome 18 gain in a validation cohort of follicular lymphoma patients of the Lunenburg Lymphoma Biomarker Consortium
A comprehensive characterisation and analysis of human breast cancers through whole-genome sequencing
Somatic genetic basis of Wilms’ tumour