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Whole Genome sequencing of Angolan and Mozambican individuals

To support the continued discovery and cataloguing of genomic variation in human populations and to further our understanding of the Bantu Expansion, we sequenced the genomes of 291 individuals from Cabinda, a northern exclave of Angola, and 49 individuals from Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. Utilising the power and flexibility of these whole-genome sequencing datasets, we discover rare variation, fine-scale population structure, and perform analyses using haplotype-based inference tools and our own model-based simulation framework to reconstruct complex dispersals of Bantu speak-ing populations across sub-Saharan Africa.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001011992 HiSeq X Ten 1
Publications Citations
Whole genomes from Angola and Mozambique inform about the origins and dispersals of major African migrations.
Nat Commun 14: 2023 7967