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The genetic history of the southern Andes from present-day Mapuche ancestry

We generate genome-wide data from 64 participants from three Mapuche populations in Southern Chile: Pehuenche, Lafkenche, and Huilliche. Broadly, we describe three main ancestry blocks with a common origin, which characterize the Southern Cone, the Central Andes, and Amazonia. Within the Southern Cone, ancestors of the Mapuche lineages differentiated from those of the Far South during the Middle Holocene, and did not experience further migration waves from the north. We find that the deep genetic split between the Central and Southern Andes is followed by instances of gene flow, which may have accompanied the southward spread of cultural traits from the Central Andes, including crops and loanwords from Quechua into Mapudungun (the language of the Mapuche). Our findings add new perspectives on the genetic (pre)history of South America, from first settlement through to the present-day indigenous presence. Follow-up fieldwork took these results back to the indigenous communities to contextualize the genetic narrative alongside indigenous knowledge and perspectives.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010002499 Human Origins Axiom 64
Publications Citations
Bridging the gap: returning genetic results to indigenous communities in Latin America.
Front Genet 14: 2023 1304974