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Tumorigenic role of Musashi-2 in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma

SOX11 is overexpressed in the highly aggressive conventional mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) but rarely in the indolent non-nodal MCL subtype. We performed RNA-seq of SOX11+ and SOX11- MCLs to search for SOX11-regulated genes that contributed to MCL clinical evolution, identifying Musashi-2 (MSI2) stem cell-related gene. By performing RNA-seq upon MSI2 knockdown or inhibition in MCL, we identified MSI2 as a potential target to inhibit drug resistance in aggressive MCLs.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009420 Illumina HiSeq 2500 14
EGAD00001009421 Illumina HiSeq 2500 12
EGAD00001009422 Illumina HiSeq 2500 12
Publications Citations
Tumorigenic role of Musashi-2 in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma.
Leukemia 37: 2023 408-421
SOX11/PRDX2 axis modulates redox homeostasis and chemoresistance in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma.
Sci Rep 14: 2024 7863