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Whole transcriptome profiling of liquid biopsies from tumour xenografted mouse models: validation cohort

While cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in liquid biopsies is widely being used and investigated, free circulating RNA (extracellular RNA, exRNA) has the potential to improve therapy response monitoring and cancer detection due to its dynamic nature. A fundamental open question hampering the initiation of large-scale liquid biopsy collections for tumour exRNA analysis is that it remains unclear in which blood subcompartment tumour-derived exRNAs primarily reside. We set out to develop a host-xenograft deconvolution framework, exRNAxeno, with cDNA mapping strategies to either a combined human-mouse reference genome or both species genomes in parallel, that can be applied to exRNA sequencing data from liquid biopsies of human xenograft mouse models, enabling to distinguish (human) tumoural RNA from (murine) host RNA, and as such to specifically analyse tumour-derived exRNA. Subsequently, the preferred exRNAxeno combination pipeline was applied to total exRNA sequencing data from blood platelets and three plasma fractions from a breast cancer patient-derived and neuroblastoma cell line-derived xenograft mouse model. We show that tumoural exRNA concentrations are not determined by plasma platelet levels, while host exRNA concentrations increase with platelet content. Furthermore, a large variability in exRNA levels and gene content across individual mice is observed. In general, the tumoural gene detectability in plasma is correlated with the RNA expression levels in the tumour tissue or cancer cell line. Our results unravel new aspects of tumour-derived exRNA biology in xenograft mouse models.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001009413 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 60
EGAD00001010905 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 NextSeq 500 67
Publications Citations
Whole transcriptome profiling of liquid biopsies from tumour xenografted mouse models enables specific monitoring of tumour-derived extracellular RNA.
NAR Cancer 4: 2022 zcac037