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Germline variant analysis in childhood AML

Analysis of rare germline variants in childhood AML in a large panel of cancer predisposition genes (n=216) compiled from literature review, and including genes involved in familial hematological malignancies (HM) and bone marrow failure (BMF) syndromes. The prevalence of extremely rare variants in the combined childhood AML cohort (n=72) was compared to that in the Medical Genome Reference Bank (MGRB; n=2570) comprising individuals aged at least 70 years with no history of cardiovascular disease, dementia or cancer. This showed a significant increase of rare alleles in childhood AML for 100% of subset comparisons. Next additional stringent filtering was applied to determine predicted damaging germline predisposition variants. Overall, 21% of the Australian cohort and 25% of the TARGET cohort presented germline variants predicted to be damaging predisposition variants.

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EGAD00001008783 1
Publications Citations
Childhood acute myeloid leukemia shows a high level of germline predisposition.
Blood 138: 2021 2293-2298