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Spatio-temporal analysis of prostate tumors in situ suggests pre-existence of treatment-resistant clones

The molecular mechanisms underlying lethal castration-resistant prostate cancer remain poorly understood, with intratumoral heterogeneity a likely contributing factor. To examine the temporal aspects of resistance, we analyzed tumor heterogeneity in needle biopsies collected before and after treatment with androgen deprivation therapy. By doing so, we were able to couple clinical responsiveness and morphological information such as Gleason score to transcriptome-wide data. Our data-driven analysis of transcriptomes identified several distinct intratumoral cell populations, characterized by their unique gene expression profiles. Strikingly, certain cell populations present before treatment exhibited gene expression profiles that matched those of resistant tumor cell clusters, present after treatment. We confirmed that these clusters were resistant by the localization of active androgen receptors to the nuclei in cancer cells post-treatment. Our data also demonstrated that most stromal cells adjacent to resistant clusters do not express the androgen receptor, and we identified differentially expressed genes for these cells. Altogether, this study shows the potential to increase the power in predicting resistant tumors.

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EGAD00001008636 NextSeq 550 24
Publications Citations
Spatio-temporal analysis of prostate tumors in situ suggests pre-existence of treatment-resistant clones.
Nat Commun 13: 2022 5475