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Sequencing data for CLL patients

Single-cell RNA-sequencing and other genome-wide approaches were applied to a cohort of CLL patients receiving Venetoclax treatment to study mechanisms of resistance.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001008365 PromethION 25
EGAD00001008366 NextSeq 500 25
EGAD00001008367 PromethION 25
EGAD00001008664 NextSeq 500 27
EGAD00001008665 NextSeq 500 3
Publications Citations
Single-cell multiomics reveal the scale of multilayered adaptations enabling CLL relapse during venetoclax therapy.
Blood 140: 2022 2127-2141