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Transcriptome Changes in ASD (NRXN1α+/-) iPSC-derived neurons

NRXN1 deletions are identified as one of major rare risk factors for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. ASD has 30% co-morbidity with epilepsy and the latter is associated with excessive neuronal firing. NRXN1 encodes hundreds of presynaptic neuro-adhesion proteins categorized as NRXN1α/β/γ. Previous studies on cultured cells show that the short NRXN1β primarily exerts excitation effect, whereas the long NRXN1α which is more commonly deleted in patients involves in both excitation and inhibition. However, patient-derived models are essential for understanding functional consequences of NRXN1α deletions in human neurons Quantitative RNA sequencing was performed by BGI using 50bp single-end strategy with BGI-SEQ500 sequencing device on iPSC-derived cortical neurons from 6 control lines; (2VC1, 3VCX1, 3VC2, 4C3, 4CX1, NCRM-1) of 4 healthy donors, and 4 NRXN1α+/- lines; (ND1C1, ND2C11, ND2CX1, ND4-1C2) from 3 ASD patients.

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EGAD00001007993 unspecified 10
Publications Citations
NRXN1α<sup>+/-</sup> is associated with increased excitability in ASD iPSC-derived neurons.
BMC Neurosci 22: 2021 56