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Single-cell multi-omic profiling of glioblastoma-associated myeloid cells

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006778 Illumina HiSeq 4000 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 15
Publications Citations
Imaging of Glioblastoma Tumor-Associated Myeloid Cells Using Nanobodies Targeting Signal Regulatory Protein Alpha.
Front Immunol 12: 2021 777524
Targeting the TREM1-positive myeloid microenvironment in glioblastoma.
Neurooncol Adv 4: 2022 vdac149
GBM tumors are heterogeneous in their fatty acid metabolism and modulating fatty acid metabolism sensitizes cancer cells derived from recurring GBM tumors to temozolomide.
Front Oncol 12: 2022 988872
Global hypo-methylation in a proportion of glioblastoma enriched for an astrocytic signature is associated with increased invasion and altered immune landscape.
Elife 11: 2022 e77335
The diversity and dynamics of tumor-associated macrophages in recurrent glioblastoma.
Front Immunol 14: 2023 1238233