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Whole-genome sequencing of rare disease patients in a national healthcare system

Most patients with rare diseases do not receive a molecular diagnosis and the aetiologicalvariants and mediating genes for more than half such disorders remain to be discovered. Weimplemented whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in a national healthcare system to streamlinediagnosis and to discover unknown aetiological variants, in the coding and non-coding regionsof the genome. In a pilot study for the 100,000 Genomes Project, we generated WGS data for13,037 participants, of whom 9,802 had a rare disease, and provided a genetic diagnosis to1,138 of the 7,065 patients with detailed phenotypic data. We identified 95 Mendelianassociations between genes and rare diseases, of which 11 have been discovered since 2015and at least 79 are confirmed aetiological. Using WGS of UK Biobank1, we showed that rarealleles can explain the presence of some individuals in the tails of a quantitative red blood cell(RBC) trait. Finally, we reported 4 novel non-coding variants which cause disease through thedisruption of transcription of ARPC1B, GATA1, LRBA and MPL. Our study demonstrates asynergy by using WGS for diagnosis and aetiological discovery in routine healthcare.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001006065 Illumina HiSeq 4000 1
Publications Citations
Whole-genome sequencing of patients with rare diseases in a national health system.
Nature 583: 2020 96-102