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the Yemeni-Somali 5 million SNP array dataset

The three new samples (two from Yemen and one from Somalia) that carry a maternal lineage affiliated with the Malagasy motif were assayed for genome-wide SNP genotypes using the Illumina Human Omni5 Bead Chip (Illumina), which surveys 4,284,426 single nucleotide markers regularly spaced across the genome.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010001651 Illumina Human Omni5 Bead Chip (4,284,426 SNPs) 3
Publications Citations
Evidence of Austronesian Genetic Lineages in East Africa and South Arabia: Complex Dispersal from Madagascar and Southeast Asia.
Genome Biol Evol 11: 2019 748-758