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Defective T-cell expansion in RASGRP1 deficiency

Inherited CTPS1- CD27- and CD70-deficiencies in humans have revealed key factors of T-lymphocyte expansion, that is a prerequisite for an efficient immunity to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. RASGRP1 is a T-lymphocyte specific nucleotide exchange factor known to activate the MAP kinases pathway. A deleterious homozygous mutation in RASGRP1 leading to the loss RASGRP1 expression was identified in two siblings who both developed a persistent EBV infection leading to Hodgkin lymphoma. RASGRP1-deficient T cells exhibited defective MAPK activation and impaired proliferation that was restored by expression of wild-type RASGRP1. Similar defects were observed in T cells from healthy individuals when RASGRP1 was downregulated. RASGRP1-deficient T cells also exhibited decreased CD27-dependent proliferation toward CD70-expressing EBV-transformed B cells, a crucial pathway required for expansion of antigen-specific T cells in anti-EBV immunity. Furthermore, RASGRP1-deficient T cells failed to upregulate CTPS1, an important enzyme required for DNA synthesis. These results show that RASGRP1 deficiency leads to susceptibility to EBV infection, and demonstrate the key role of RASGRP1 at the crossroad of pathways required for the expansion of activated T lymphocytes.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003841 Illumina HiSeq 2500 1
Publications Citations
Loss of RASGRP1 in humans impairs T-cell expansion leading to Epstein-Barr virus susceptibility.
EMBO Mol Med 10: 2018 188-199