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CINECA synthetic data.Please note: This study contains synthetic data (with cohort “participants” / ”subjects” marked with FAKE) has no identifiable data and cannot be used to make any inference about cohort data or results.

Please note: This study contains synthetic data (with cohort “participants” / ”subjects” marked with FAKE) has no identifiable data and cannot be used to make any inference about cohort data or results. The purpose of this dataset is to aid development of technical implementations for cohort data discovery, harmonization, access, and federated analysis. In support of FAIRness in data sharing, this dataset is made freely available under the Creative Commons Licence (CC-BY). Please ensure this preamble is included with this dataset and that the CINECA project (funding: EC H2020 grant 825775) is acknowledged. For any questions please contact or

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001003338 AB SOLiD 4 System unspecified 6
EGAD00001006673 Illumina HiSeq 2000 448
Publications Citations
Beacon v2 and Beacon networks: A "lingua franca" for federated data discovery in biomedical genomics, and beyond.
Hum Mutat 43: 2022 791-799
Federated privacy-protected meta- and mega-omics data analysis in multi-center studies with a fully open-source analytic platform.
PLoS Comput Biol 20: 2024 e1012626