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RNA seq on 19 samples of Radiation-Induced Meningiomas

Purpose: Majority of pediatric cancers require the irradiation of the central nervous system (CNS), and as more patients survive into adulthood from improved oncological therapy the sequelae of brain radiation are increasing in prevalence. Radiation-induced meningiomas (RIMs), one such secondary effect, demonstrate a clinically more aggressive behaviour than sporadic meningiomas (SMs). We aimed to describe the genomic mutational landscape of RIMs.Methods: We analyzed a principal cohort of 18 RIMs, with 31 RIMs overall, from patients who received childhood radiation therapy and 30 SMs, as a comparator population. We performed a multiplatform integrative genomic analysis; including methylation, whole exome and RNA sequencing. Results: RIMs exhibited a five-fold increase in copy number alterations, commonly the loss of chromosome 1p (17/18 RIMs) and 22q (17/18 RIMs), which was significantly more than observed in sporadic meningiomas. Furthermore, RNA sequencing data revealed an NF2 gene fusion event in 35.3% of RIMs. In all 6 cases, there was a complete NF2 exon spliced into a complete exon of a reciprocal gene, suggesting that the breakpoints of genomic rearrangement are intronic. All tumours with the NF2 fusion also possessed monosomy of chromosome 22q, rendering the cells with homozygous disruption of NF2. Clinically, RIMs with the NF2 fusion exhibited ill-defined borders and a tendency to develop in anatomic frontal location. Also, targeted sequencing panel confirmed that RIMs had fewer nonsynonymous NF2 mutations (6.5% vs. 30% in SM) and absence of mutations in TRAF7, SMO, KLF4, PIK3CA and AKT1, genes traditionally involved in SMs.Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that RIMs have distinct genomic drivers of oncogenesis as compared to SMs, specifically NF2 inactivation through fusion event. Radiation therapy possibly triggers genomic structural rearrangements through error-prone repair of double-stranded DNA breaks.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001004358 Illumina HiSeq 2000 Illumina HiSeq 2500 54
Publications Citations
Therapeutic radiation for childhood cancer drives structural aberrations of NF2 in meningiomas.
Nat Commun 8: 2017 186