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Comparison of phasing strategies for whole human genomes.
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A One-Penny Imputed Genome from Next-Generation Reference Panels.
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Detecting the dominance component of heritability in isolated and outbred human populations.
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Sequencing and imputation in GWAS: Cost-effective strategies to increase power and genomic coverage across diverse populations.
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A genotype imputation method for de-identified haplotype reference information by using recurrent neural network.
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Genotype imputation using the Positional Burrows Wheeler Transform.
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Genome-wide association study of Alzheimer's disease CSF biomarkers in the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery dataset.
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A Large-Scale Association Study Detects Novel Rare Variants, Risk Genes, Functional Elements, and Polygenic Architecture of Prostate Cancer Susceptibility.
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Generalized Structured Component Analysis in candidate gene association studies: applications and limitations.
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Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 127 open-angle glaucoma loci with consistent effect across ancestries.
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The impact of non-additive genetic associations on age-related complex diseases.
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Identifying genetic modifiers of age-associated penetrance in X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism.
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Rapid genotype imputation from sequence with reference panels.
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A fast Data-Driven method for genotype imputation, phasing, and local ancestry inference: MendelImpute.jl.
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Hearing Function: Identification of New Candidate Genes Further Explaining the Complexity of This Sensory Ability.
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Privacy-preserving genotype imputation in a trusted execution environment.
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Validity and Prognostic Value of a Polygenic Risk Score for Parkinson's Disease.
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Genetic Dissection of Temperament Personality Traits in Italian Isolates.
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GCAT|Panel, a comprehensive structural variant haplotype map of the Iberian population from high-coverage whole-genome sequencing.
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Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia.
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Borderline personality disorder and the big five: molecular genetic analyses indicate shared genetic architecture with neuroticism and openness.
Streit F, Witt SH, Awasthi S, Foo JC, Jungkunz M, Frank J, Colodro-Conde L, Hindley G, Smeland OB, Maslahati T, Schwarze CE, Dahmen N, Schott BH, Kleindienst N, Hartmann A, Giegling I, Zillich L, Sirignano L, Poisel E, Chen CH, Nöthen MM, Mobascher A, Rujescu D, Lieb K, Roepke S, Schmahl C, Bohus M, Ripke S, Rietschel M, Andreassen OA.
Transl Psychiatry
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The genomic origins of the world's first farmers.
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Polygenic Resilience Modulates the Penetrance of Parkinson Disease Genetic Risk Factors.
Liu H, Dehestani M, Blauwendraat C, Makarious MB, Leonard H, Kim JJ, Schulte C, Noyce A, Jacobs BM, Foote I, Sharma M, International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium; Comprehensive Unbiased Risk Factor Assessment for Genetics and Environment in Parkinson's Disease Consortium, Nalls M, Singleton A, Gasser T, Bandres-Ciga S.
Ann Neurol
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Variation in CFHR3 determines susceptibility to meningococcal disease by controlling factor H concentrations.
Kumar V, Pouw RB, Autio MI, Sagmeister MG, Phua ZY, Borghini L, Wright VJ, Hoggart C, Pan B, Tan AKY, Binder A, Brouwer MC, Pinnock E, De Groot R, Hazelzet J, Emonts M, Van Der Flier M, Reiter K, Nöthen MM, Hoffmann P, EUCLIDS consortium, Schlapbach LJ, Bellos E, Anderson S, Secka F, Martinón-Torres F, Salas A, Fink C, Carrol ED, Pollard AJ, Coin LJ, Zenz W, Wouters D, Ang LT, Hibberd ML, Levin M, Kuijpers TW, Davila S.
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EagleImp: fast and accurate genome-wide phasing and imputation in a single tool.
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Rapid, Reference-Free human genotype imputation with denoising autoencoders.
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Analysis of the caudate nucleus transcriptome in individuals with schizophrenia highlights effects of antipsychotics and new risk genes.
Benjamin KJM, Chen Q, Jaffe AE, Stolz JM, Collado-Torres L, Huuki-Myers LA, Burke EE, Arora R, Feltrin AS, Barbosa AR, Radulescu E, Pergola G, Shin JH, Ulrich WS, Deep-Soboslay A, Tao R, BrainSeq Consortium, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, Erwin JA, Weinberger DR, Paquola ACM.
Nat Neurosci
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Accuracy of haplotype estimation and whole genome imputation affects complex trait analyses in complex biobanks.
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The HUNT study: A population-based cohort for genetic research.
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Cell Genom
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The female protective effect against autism spectrum disorder.
Wigdor EM, Weiner DJ, Grove J, Fu JM, Thompson WK, Carey CE, Baya N, van der Merwe C, Walters RK, Satterstrom FK, Palmer DS, Rosengren A, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, iPSYCH Consortium, Hougaard DM, Mortensen PB, Daly MJ, Talkowski ME, Sanders SJ, Bishop SL, Børglum AD, Robinson EB.
Cell Genom
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Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of 4069 children with glioma identifies 9p21.3 risk locus.
Foss-Skiftesvik J, Li S, Rosenbaum A, Hagen CM, Stoltze UK, Ljungqvist S, Hjalmars U, Schmiegelow K, Morimoto L, de Smith AJ, Mathiasen R, Metayer C, Hougaard D, Melin B, Walsh KM, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Dahlin AM, Wiemels JL.
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Polygenetic risk scores and phenotypic constellations of obsessive-compulsive disorder in clozapine-treated schizophrenia.
Morgenroth CL, Kleymann P, Ripke S, Awasthi S, Wagner E, Oviedo-Salcedo T, Okhuijsen-Pfeifer C, Luykx JJ, van der Horst MZ, Hasan A, Bermpohl F, Gutwinski S, Schreiter S.
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Regulator of G-Protein Signalling 9: A New Candidate Gene for Sweet Food Liking?
Graham CA, Spedicati B, Pelliccione G, Gasparini P, Concas MP.
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Accurate rare variant phasing of whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing data in the UK Biobank.
Hofmeister RJ, Ribeiro DM, Rubinacci S, Delaneau O.
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Imputation of low-coverage sequencing data from 150,119 UK Biobank genomes.
Rubinacci S, Hofmeister RJ, Sousa da Mota B, Delaneau O.
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Depression pathophysiology, risk prediction of recurrence and comorbid psychiatric disorders using genome-wide analyses.
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Assessing transcriptomic reidentification risks using discriminative sequence models.
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Genome Res
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Proteomic analysis of 92 circulating proteins and their effects in cardiometabolic diseases.
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Clin Proteomics
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Evidence for a shared genetic contribution to loneliness and borderline personality disorder.
Schulze A, Streit F, Zillich L, Awasthi S, Hall ASM, Jungkunz M, Kleindienst N, Frank J, Schwarze CE, Dahmen N, Schott BH, Nöthen M, Mobascher A, Rujescu D, Lieb K, Roepke S, Herpertz SC, Schmahl C, Bohus M, Ripke S, Rietschel M, Lis S, Witt S.
Transl Psychiatry
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The correlates of neonatal complement component 3 and 4 protein concentrations with a focus on psychiatric and autoimmune disorders.
Borbye-Lorenzen N, Zhu Z, Agerbo E, Albiñana C, Benros ME, Bian B, Børglum AD, Bulik CM, Debost JPG, Grove J, Hougaard DM, McRae AF, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Musliner KL, Nordentoft M, Petersen LV, Privé F, Sidorenko J, Skogstrand K, Werge T, Wray NR, Vilhjálmsson BJ, McGrath JJ.
Cell Genom
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How local reference panels improve imputation in French populations.
Herzig AF, Velo-Suárez L, FrEx Consortium, FranceGenRef Consortium, Dina C, Redon R, Deleuze JF, Génin E.
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Analysis of rare Parkinson's disease variants in millions of people.
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Clenching the Strings of Bruxism Etiopathogenesis: Association Analyses on Genetics and Environmental Risk Factors in a Deeply Characterized Italian Cohort.
Pecori A, Luppieri V, Santin A, Spedicati B, Zampieri S, Cadenaro M, Girotto G, Concas MP.
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A resampling-based approach to share reference panels.
Cavinato T, Rubinacci S, Malaspinas AS, Delaneau O.
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