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Multiple signatures of somatic mutations have been identified in human cancer genomes. To investigate whether mutational signatures continue to be generated, and if so their temporal patterns of activity, subsets of cell lines were cultured in vitro for extended periods and subjected to single cell cloning and whole genome or exome sequencing or directly to single cell whole genome sequencing. As expected, signatures of past exogenous exposures, such as tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light, were not generated in vitro. In contrast, signatures of normal and defective DNA repair and replication continued to be generated at essentially constant mutation rates. Signatures of APOBEC cytidine deaminase DNA-editing activity exhibited a distinctive pattern with substantial fluctuations in mutation rate over time and episodic bursts of mutations. The initiating factors for these bursts are unclear although retrotransposon mobilisation may play a role. This cell line set now constitutes a comprehensive resource of live experimental models of mutational processes of both known and unknown aetiologies potentially retaining the patterns of activity and regulatory influences operative in human cells in vivo.
Illumina HiSeq 2000
Illumina HiSeq 2500
Multiple signatures of somatic mutations have been identified in human cancer genomes. To investigate whether mutational signatures continue to be generated, and if so their temporal patterns of activity, subsets of cell lines were cultured in vitro for extended periods and subjected to single cell cloning and whole genome or exome sequencing or directly to single cell whole genome sequencing. As expected, signatures of past exogenous exposures, such as tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light, were not generated in vitro. In contrast, signatures of normal and defective DNA repair and replication continued to be generated at essentially constant mutation rates. Signatures of APOBEC cytidine deaminase DNA-editing activity exhibited a distinctive pattern with substantial fluctuations in mutation rate over time and episodic bursts of mutations. The initiating factors for these bursts are unclear although retrotransposon mobilisation may play a role. This cell line set now constitutes a comprehensive resource of live experimental models of mutational processes of both known and unknown aetiologies potentially retaining the patterns of activity and regulatory influences operative in human cells in vivo.
HiSeq X Ten