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Cancer is driven by mutation. Illumina GA massively parallel sequencing technology will be applied to Agilent exome hybridisation capture libraries and total genomic paired-end libraries. Bespoke algorithms are being developed to identify the somatically acquired structural variants, point mutations, insertions and deletions in these samples. This project will give unprecedented insights into mutational processes, cellular repair pathways and gene networks associated with Myelodysplastic Syndrome development.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001000045 Illumina Genome Analyzer II Illumina HiSeq 2000 33
EGAD00001000117 Illumina Genome Analyzer II Illumina HiSeq 2000 152
EGAD00001000283 Illumina HiSeq 2000 764
Publications Citations
Somatic SF3B1 mutation in myelodysplasia with ring sideroblasts.
N Engl J Med 365: 2011 1384-1395