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Genetics of gene expression in primary human immune cells

The purpose of this study was to identify cell specific expression quantitative trait loci in freshly isolated highly purified primary B-cells and monocytes from healthy subjects of European ancestry. Cells were purified from Ficoll gradient prepared peripheral blood mononuclear cell fractions using positive selection via magnetic bead labelling of the B-cell marker CD19 and monocyte marker CD14. RNA was extracted from 287 B-cell samples and 288 monocyte samples. RNA was then hybridised to HumanHT-12 v4 BeadChips whole genome expression arrays (Illumina). Individuals were genotyped on HumanOmniExpress-12v1.0 BeadChips (Illumina) at 733202 genetic markers. Data presented include the raw expression values and Robust Spline Normalised values (RSN) for expression for each cell type per individual. Additional genotype data per individual is available on request.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00010000144 Illumin OmniExpress v1.0 - Illumina GenomeStudio 288
EGAD00010000520 Illumina OmniExpress v1.0-Illumina GenomeStudio 144
Publications Citations
Innate immune activity conditions the effect of regulatory variants upon monocyte gene expression.
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Integration of disease association and eQTL data using a Bayesian colocalisation approach highlights six candidate causal genes in immune-mediated diseases.
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Genomic modulators of gene expression in human neutrophils.
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Joint genetic analysis using variant sets reveals polygenic gene-context interactions.
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Sex-Interacting mRNA- and miRNA-eQTLs and Their Implications in Gene Expression Regulation and Disease.
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Tensor decomposition of stimulated monocyte and macrophage gene expression profiles identifies neurodegenerative disease-specific trans-eQTLs.
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A framework for integrating directed and undirected annotations to build explanatory models of cis-eQTL data.
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Co-expression analysis reveals interpretable gene modules controlled by trans-acting genetic variants.
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Multi-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies.
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EPISPOT: An epigenome-driven approach for detecting and interpreting hotspots in molecular QTL studies.
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A compendium of uniformly processed human gene expression and splicing quantitative trait loci.
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Natural Killer cells demonstrate distinct eQTL and transcriptome-wide disease associations, highlighting their role in autoimmunity.
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A Genetic Risk Score Distinguishes Different Types of Autoantibody-Mediated Membranous Nephropathy.
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Scalable genetic screening for regulatory circuits using compressed Perturb-seq.
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