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Data Access Agreement for GWAS of prognosis in Crohn's disease

DATA ACCESS AGREEMENT November 2016 Application for Access to Data I would like to apply for access to the genotyping component for Genome-wide association study of prognosis in Crohn’s disease data sets. I - Contact and Project Information (to be submitted by applicant) A. Name of applicant (principal investigator), including affiliation and contact details. Please ensure that a full postal address and a valid institutional email are included. Name: Title: Position: Affiliation: Institutional E-mail Address: Mailing Address: B. Name of the authorised institutional representative, including affiliation and contact details. Please ensure that a full postal address and a valid institutional email are included. Name: Title: Position: Affiliation: Institutional E-mail Address: Mailing Address: C. Names of authorised personnel (within your institution*) Include the names of all investigators, collaborators and research staff who will have access to the data in order to work on the project (see Research Project under E). Please ensure that a valid institutional email address for each name is included along with their job title/function. *Co-investigators or collaborators at other institutions must submit a separate Application for Access to the Data. Name: (copy and paste as needed for additional personnel) Title: Position: Affiliation: Institutional E-mail Address: D. Names of authorised students (within your institution*) Include the names of all students who will have access to the data in order to work on the project (see Research Project under E). Please ensure that a valid email address for each name is included. *Students at other institutions should not be included in this list. Name: (copy and paste as needed for additional students) Title: Position: Affiliation: Institutional E-mail Address: E. Title of project (within which data will be used) Please provide the address of the project website as well, if available. F. Research track record Include a list of up to 3 relevant publications of which you were an author or a co-author. G. Research Project (scientific abstract) Please provide a clear description of the project and its specific aims in no more than 500 words. II – Data Security We ask that you provide a level of security similar to that described below when storing and using the data you have applied for. File access: Data should only be accessible to named users. Files should either have only user Unix read/write access, not group or world access, or project-specific Unix groups should be used for group access that contain only those names authorised to access the data. User IDs within groups should be reviewed at 6 monthly intervals by the applicant. Data kept on laptops should be encrypted when not in active use, either in individual encrypted files or in encrypted directories/partitions. Data should not be held on USB keys or other portable hard drives. Users may be asked to sign an agreement addressing their responsibilities with respect to access to such data. III - DATA ACCESS AGREEMENT This Data Access Agreement governs the terms of access to the managed access datasets generated by Dr James Lee, Dr Daniele Biasci, Prof. Kenneth Smith, and Dr Paul Lyons, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK (the “Data” as defined below). In signing this agreement, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of access set out therein. For the sake of clarity, the terms of access set out in this agreement apply to the User and to the User Institution(s) (as defined below). Definitions Data: The managed access datasets of the genotyping component for the Genome-wide association study of prognosis in Crohn’s disease project. Data Producer(s): Dr James Lee, Prof. Kenneth Smith, Dr Daniele Biasci, and Dr Paul Lyons University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK, responsible for the development, organisation, and oversight of the Data. External Collaborator: A collaborator of the User, working for an institution other than the User Institution(s) (see below for definitions of User and User Institution(s)). Publications: Includes, without limitation, articles published in print journals, electronic journals, reviews, books, posters and other written and verbal presentations of research. Research Participant: An individual having contributed data for research purposes. User: An applicant (principal investigator), having signed this Data Access Agreement, whose User Institution has co-signed this Data Access Agreement, both of them having received acknowledgement of its acceptance. User Institution(s): Institution(s) at which the User is employed, affiliated or enrolled. A representative of it has co-signed this Data Access Agreement with the User and received acknowledgement of its acceptance. Terms and Conditions: In signing this agreement: 1. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to only use the Data for the objectives and analyses outlined in section G. 2. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to preserve, at all times, the confidentiality of the Data. In particular, they undertake not to use, or attempt to use the Data to compromise or otherwise infringe the confidentiality of information on Research Participants. 3. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to protect the confidentiality of Research Participants in any research papers or publications that they prepare by taking all reasonable care to limit the possibility of identification. 4. The User and the User Institution(s) agree not to link or combine the Data to other information or archived data available in a way that could re-identify the Research Participants, even if access to that data has been formally granted to the User and the User Institution(s), or is freely available without restriction. 5. The User and the User Institution(s) agree not to transfer or disclose the Data, in whole or part, or any material derived from the Data, to anyone not listed in section C “Names of authorised personnel” or D “Names of authorised students” of this application form, except as necessary for data safety monitoring, national audits or programme management. Should the User or the User Institution(s) wish to share the Data with an External Collaborator, the External Collaborator must complete a separate Application for Access to the Data. 6. The User and the User Institution(s) agree that the Data producers, and all other parties involved in the creation, funding or protection of the Data: a) make no warranty or representation, express or implied as to the accuracy, quality or comprehensiveness of the Data; b) exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for actions, claims, proceedings, demands, losses (including but not limited to loss of profit), costs, awards damages and payments made by the Recipient that may arise (whether directly or indirectly) in any way whatsoever from the Recipient’s use of the Data or from the unavailability of, or break in access to, the Data for whatever reason and; c) bear no responsibility for the further analysis or interpretation of these Data. 7. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to follow the Fort Lauderdale Guidelines included as Appendix I of this agreement and the Toronto Statement included as Appendix II of this agreement. This includes but is not limited to recognizing the contribution of the Data Producer(s) and including a proper acknowledgement in all reports or publications resulting from the User and the User Institutions use of the Data. 8. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to follow the Publication Policy available as Appendix III of this agreement. This includes respecting the moratorium period for Data Producers to publish the first peer-review report(s) describing and analyzing the Data. 9. The User and the User Institution(s) agree not to make intellectual property claims on the Data and not to use intellectual property protection in ways that would prevent or block access to, or use of, any element of the Data, or conclusion drawn directly from the Data. 10. The User and the User Institution(s) can elect to perform further research that would add intellectual and resource capital to the data and decide to obtain intellectual property rights on these downstream discoveries. In this case, the User and the User Institution(s) agree to implement licensing policies that will not obstruct further research and to follow the U.S. National Institutes of Health Best Practices for the Licensing of Genomic Inventions (2005) in conformity with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for the Licensing of the Genetic Inventions (2006). These two policies (NIH and OECD) are included as Appendix IV and V of this agreement. 11. The Data was partly funded by the Wellcome Trust with the charitable objective of improving health. If results arising from the User and the User Institution(s) use of the Data could provide health solutions for the benefit of people in the developing world, the User and the User Institution(s) agree to offer non-exclusive licenses to such results on a reasonable basis for use in low income and low-middle income countries (as defined by the World Bank) to any party that requests such a license solely for uses within these territories. 12. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to destroy/discard the Data held, once it is no longer used for the project described in this application form, unless obligated to retain the data for archival purposes in conformity with national audits or legal requirements. 13. The User and the User Institution(s) will update the List of Authorized Personnel to reflect any changes or departures in researchers, collaborators and personnel within 30 days of the changes made. 14. The User and the User Institution(s) must notify the Data Producer(s) prior to any significant changes to the protocol of the User (as described in section I.G. “Research Project”). 15. The User and the User Institution(s) will notify the Data Producer(s) as soon as they become aware of a breach of the terms or conditions of this agreement. 16. The User and the User Institution(s) accept that this agreement may terminate upon any breach of this agreement from the User, the User Institution(s) or any authorised personnel mentioned in section C. “Names of authorised personnel” or D. “Names of authorised students” of this application document. In this case, The User and the User Institution(s) will be required to destroy/discard any Data held, including copies and backup copies. This clause does not prevent the User and the User Institution(s) from retaining the data for archival purpose in conformity with national audits or legal requirements. 17. The User and the User Institution(s) accept that it may be necessary for the Data Producer(s) or their appointed agent to alter the terms of this agreement from time to time. In this event, the Data Producer(s) or their appointed agent will contact the User and the User Institution(s) to inform them of any changes. 18. If requested, the User and the User Institution(s) will allow data security and management documentation to be inspected to verify that they are complying with the terms of this agreement. 19. The User and the User Institution(s) agree to distribute a copy of this agreement and explain its content to any person mentioned in section C. “Names of authorised personnel” and D. “Names of authorised students section of this application form. 20. This agreement (and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature arising out of this agreement or its formation) shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the Data Access Agreement. YES (please circle on paper copy) I have read the Appendices listed at the end of this page. YES (please circle on paper copy) Applicant: Name ____________________________(block letters) Title and position ___________________ Institution _________________________ Signature _____________________ Authorized institutional representative: (He/she should be the same person as mentioned under Section I B. Institutional Representative of this data application document): Name ____________________________(blocks letters) Title and position ___________________ Institution ________________________(name of legal entity) Signature______________________ Authorized institutional representative of the Data Producer(s): I attest that the above is in conformity with the access requirements for genotype data in Genome-wide association study of prognosis in Crohn’s disease Project: Name _____________________________ (block letters) Signature ___________________________ Approval number _____________________ Once completed and sent electronically to, a paper copy of this application must be faxed to +44-1223-336846 or mailed to Paul Lyons, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK. Only the paper copy needs to be signed. Appendices do not need to be sent back. APPENDIX I – SHARING DATA FROM LARGE-SCALE BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROJECTS: A SYSTEM OF TRIPARTITE RESPONSIBILTY “THE FORT LAUDERDALE GUIDELINES” (2003) APPENDIX II – “THE TORONTO STATEMENT” (2009) APPENDIX III – PUBLICATION POLICY APPENDIX IV - NIH, BEST PRACTICES FOR THE LICENSING OF GENOMIC INVENTIONS (2005) APPENDIX V - OECD, GUIDELINES FOR THE LICENSING OF GENETIC INVENTIONS (2006) APPENDIX I – SHARING DATA FROM LARGE-SCALE BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROJECTS: A SYSTEM OF TRIPARTITE RESPONSIBILTY “THE FORT LAUDERDALE GUIDELINES” (2003) Sharing Data from Large-scale Biological Research Projects: A System of Tripartite Responsibility Report of a meeting organized by the Wellcome Trust and held on 14–15 January 2003 at Fort Lauderdale, USA. Introduction The Wellcome Trust sponsored a meeting on 14–15 January 2003 to discuss how, at this point in the development of the field of genomics, pre-publication data release can promote the best interests of science and help to maximize the public benefit to be gained from research. About 40 people attended the meeting, among them large-scale sequence producers, sequence users including computational biologists, representatives of the major nucleotide sequence databases, journal editors, and scientists interested in other large-scale data sets. The discussion took as a given that published data are available in their entirety for any use by any investigator, and focused on issues involved in making data broadly available prior to publication. The meeting concluded that pre-publication release of sequence data by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, and other sequence producers, has been of tremendous benefit to the scientific research community in general. While not all were in a position to make commitments for their funding agencies, the meeting attendees were in broad agreement that, to encourage the continuation of such benefits, the sequence producers, sequence users and the funding agencies recognize and implement a system based on ‘tripartite responsibility’. Specifically, • The meeting attendees enthusiastically reaffirmed the 1996 Bermuda Principles, which expressly called for rapid release to the public international DNA sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL, and DDBJ) of sequence assemblies of 2kb or greater by large-scale sequencing efforts and recommended that that agreement be extended to apply to all sequence data, including both the raw traces submitted to the Trace Repositories at NCBI and Ensembl and whole genome shotgun assemblies. • The attendees recommended that the principle of rapid pre-publication release should apply to other types of data from other large-scale production centers specifically established as ‘community resource projects’. • The attendees recognized that pre-publication data release might conflict with a fundamental scientific incentive – publishing the first analysis of one's own data. The attendees noted that it would not be possible to absolutely guarantee this incentive without applying restrictions that would undermine the rationale for rapid, unrestricted release of data from community resources. Nonetheless, it is essential that excellent scientists continue to be attracted to these projects. To encourage this, the scientific community should understand that pre-publication data release needs active communitywide support if it is to continue to receive widespread support from the producers. The contributions and interests of the large-scale data producers should be recognized and respected by the users of the data, and the ability of the production centres to analyse and publish their own data should be supported by their funding agencies. Community resource projects A ‘community resource project’ is a research project specifically devised and implemented to create a set of data, reagents or other material whose primary utility will be as a resource for the broad scientific community. Recent examples of community resource projects include the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium, the Mammalian Gene Collection, the SNPs Consortium, and the International HapMap Project. The products of community resource projects have, over the past several years, become increasingly important as drivers of progress in biomedical research. The scientific community will best be served if the results of community resource projects are made immediately available for free and unrestricted use by the scientific community to engage in the full range of opportunities for creative science. At the same time, it is crucial that the scientific community recognizes and respects the important contribution made by the scientists who carry out community resource projects. Tripartite sharing of responsibility An optimized system for generating community resources involves three constituencies within the scientific research community – resource producers, resource users, and funding agencies. Each of the three has a unique and critical role to play in ensuring the growth and development of the community resource system. A. Funding agencies. Funding agencies are the major sources of support of research projects leading to community resources and projects that depend on the availability of such resources. Funding agencies have a critical role in determining the quality and breadth of community resources through the peer review evaluation system and as the sources of scientific research policies. For these reasons funding agencies should: 1. designate appropriate efforts as community resource projects, and encourage resource producers to prepare and submit Project Descriptions (see below) for publication; 2. require, as a condition of funding, free and unrestricted data release from community resource projects to appropriate central and searchable public databases, and vigorously ensure that this occurs; 3. encourage more investigators to serve the community through involvement in such projects. In particular, the agencies should ensure that investigators engaged in generation of such datasets have sufficient support for curation, maintenance and distribution of the data to the community, as well as resources to perform initial analyses using the resources that they have generated; 4. ensure that a centralized view of existing community resource projects is available as an information source for the community; 5. support central databases that will house and distribute the data in a way that prevents fragmentation of the data. B. Resource producers. Community resources are often expensive efforts. For this and other reasons, they are frequently established and supported as unique facilities. The scientists who organize and operate community resources are, accordingly, in a uniquely responsible position. The community is dependent on the success of their efforts and they often face relatively little direct competition. Resource producers should: 1. when feasible, publish a Project Description. The purpose of the Project Description, which will be a new type of scientific publication, is to inform the scientific community about the resource project and to provide a citation to reference the source of the data. The Project Description should be written at the beginning of the project and describes the plans for and scope of the production and analyses that the data producer intends to undertake. It will often include a timeline for production goals and data release. 2. produce data of consistently high quality; 3. make the data generated by the resource immediately and freely available without restriction; 4. recognize that even if the resource is occasionally used in ways that violate normal standards of scientific etiquette, this is a necessary risk set against the considerable benefits of immediate data release. C. Resource Users. Community resource data sets benefit the users enormously, giving them the opportunity to analyse the data without the need to generate it first. The data sets are, in general, much larger, richer and of higher quality than individual laboratories could normally generate. In contributing to what ideally is a symbiotic and synergistic situation, resource users should: 1. appropriately cite the source of the data analysed and acknowledge the resource producers. The early publication of a Project Description, as suggested above, would provide users with an appropriate reference to cite before the data are formally published; 2. recognize that the resource producers have a legitimate interest in publishing prominent peer-reviewed reports describing and analyzing the resource that they have produced (and that neither the Project Descriptions nor data deposits in databases are the equivalent of such publications); 3. respect the producer’s legitimate interests as set out, e.g. in a Project Description, while being free to use the data in any creative way. There should be no restrictions on the use of the data, but the best interests of the community are served when all act responsibly to promote the highest standards of respect for the scientific contribution of others. In some cases, this might best be done by discussion or coordination with the resource producers; 4. assist journals and funding agencies to play their proper roles in ensuring, through the peer review system, that the system works fairly for all constituents. Large-scale genome sequencing Large-scale genome sequencing projects are clearly community resource projects, and serve as a well-developed example to illustrate the general principles described above. The Bermuda Principles ( were developed in 1996 by the scientists engaged in the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and their funding agencies, and have been the basis of a successful system for achieving rapid and open data release. Now, in 2003, the meeting attendees, recognizing the role of users as well as producers and funders in effecting a successful system, enthusiastically recommend the reaffirmation of the Bermuda Principles for continued large-scale sequencing projects, and recommend that: 1. They should be extended beyond their initial application to sequence assemblies of a minimum size from BAC-based sequence projects so that they apply to rapid (i.e. as soon as possible) release of both raw and assembled sequence data, subject only to the data meeting appropriate quality assessment standards. 2. Funding agencies, users and sequencing centers should all honor their obligations, as described above. Other community resource projects In the near future, many other large data sets will be produced as community resources. While only a few of the meeting attendees were familiar with data types other than large-scale sequences, the attendees recommended that appropriate implementation of the principles discussed should be devised for other community resource projects, such as large-scale protein structure determination or gene expression analysis. In many of these cases, the solutions, in terms of such considerations as data quality standards, data storage and dissemination modes, and producer and user interests, are only beginning to emerge. Development of effective systems for achieving the objectives of the community resource concept should be an integral component of the planning and development of such new community resources. Research materials and tools Some of the issues involved in ensuring rapid and open access to finite resources, such as reagents, clones, cell lines and other material resources, are different from those pertaining to electronic data sets. The meeting attendees strongly encouraged the relevant funding agencies, resource producers and users to develop practical approaches to maximizing the benefit of this type of resource to the scientific community and to research. Pre-publication release of other data Beyond community resource projects, many valuable data sets could come from other sources. Still different issues arise in the case of resources that emerge from research efforts whose primary goal is not resource generation. In such cases, contribution of the data to the public domain as a resource is more a voluntary matter. To obtain the clear benefit that would ensue from converting such data sets into community resources as rapidly as possible, incentives should be developed by the scientific community to support the voluntary release of such data prior to publication, by appropriately recognizing and protecting the interests of scientists who wish to share such pre-publication data with the community. APPENDIX II – “THE TORONTO STATEMENT” (2009) The full article, Prepublication data sharing, Nature, 461: 168-70 (2009), is available at: Rapid pre-publication data release should be encouraged for projects with the following attributes: ● Large scale (requiring significant resources over time) ● Broad utility ● Creating reference data sets ● Associated with community buy-in Funding agencies should facilitate the specification of data-release policies for relevant projects by: ● Explicitly informing applicants of data-release requirements, especially mandatory prepublication data release ● Ensuring that evaluation of data release plans is part of the peer review process ● Proactively establishing analysis plans and timelines for projects releasing data pre-publication ● Fostering investigator-initiated pre-publication data release ● Helping to develop appropriate consent, security, access and governance mechanisms that protect research participants while encouraging pre-publication data release ● Providing long-term support of databases Data producers should state their intentions and enable analyses of their data by: ● Informing data users about the data being generated, data standards and quality, planned analyses, timelines, and relevant contact information, ideally through publication of a citeable marker paper near the start of the project or by provision of a citable URL at the project or funding agency website ● Providing relevant metadata (e.g., questionnaires, phenotypes, environmental conditions, and laboratory methods) that will assist other researchers in reproducing and/or independently analyzing the data, while protecting interests of individuals enrolled in studies focusing on humans ● Ensuring that research participants are informed that their data will be shared with other scientists in the research community ● Publishing their initial global analyses, as stated in the marker paper or citable URL, in a timely fashion ● Creating databases designed to archive all data (including underlying raw data) in an easily retrievable form and facilitate usage of both pre-processed and processed data Data analysts/users should freely analyze released prepublication data and act responsibly in publishing analyses of those data by: ● Respecting the scientific etiquette that allows data producers to publish the first global analyses of their data set ● Reading the citeable document associated with the project ● Accurately and completely citing the source of prepublication data, including the version of the data set (if appropriate) ● Being aware that released pre-publication data may be associated with quality issues that will be later rectified by the data producers ● Contacting the data producers to discuss publication plans in the case of overlap between planned analyses ● Ensuring that use of data does not harm research participants and is in conformity with ethical approvals Scientific journal editors should engage the research community about issues related to prepublication data release and provide guidance to authors and reviewers on the third-party use of pre-publication data in manuscripts APPENDIX III – PUBLICATION POLICY We are committed to the principles of rapid data release. We intend to publish the results of our analysis of this data set and do not consider its deposition into public databases to be the equivalent of such publications. We anticipate that the data set could be useful to other qualified researchers for a variety of purposes, however, some areas of work are therefore subject to a publication moratorium which will last for one year from the time at which data was first. The publication moratorium covers any publications (including oral communications) that describe the use of the data set for investigations related to prognosis in Crohn’s disease. For research papers, this means that submission for publication should not occur until 12 months have passed since data was first made available. Publications describing the use of the data set to estimate population allele frequencies, for haplotype structure estimations, and for imputation and related projects, except if any of these analyses relate to the traits described above, can be freely submitted for publication. Please acknowledge the use of this data set as follows in any publications based on it: This data set was shared by the Smith Lab, Cambridge Institute For Medical Research/Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge UK. Please contact if you are in any doubt about the restrictions described here. APPENDIX IV - NIH, BEST PRACTICES FOR THE LICENSING OF GENOMIC INVENTIONS (2005) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Best Practices for the Licensing of Genomic Inventions: Final Notice Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Notices (p18413) (for supplementary information, please see the original publication) Introduction The Public Health Service’s (PHS) primary mission is to acquire new knowledge through the conduct and support of biomedical research to improve the health of the American people. This mission is advanced by the intramural research efforts of government-owned and –operated laboratories and by the extramural research efforts funded through grants and contracts. PHS seeks to maximize the public benefit whenever PHS owned or funded technologies are transferred to the commercial sector. Motivated by this goal, we offer the following best practices for the licensing of government-funded genomic inventions. Genomic inventions include a wide array of technologies and materials such as cDNAs; expressed sequence tags (ESTs); haplotypes; antisense molecules; small interfering RNAs (siRNAs); fulllength genes and their expression products; as well as methods and instrumentation for the sequencing of genomes, quantification of nucleic acid molecules, detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and genetic modifications. Much of the value associated with the commercial use of these technologies involves nucleic acid-based diagnostics, potential gene therapy applications, and the development of new DNA and RNAbased therapeutics. Background Among the benefits derived from PHS conducted and supported biomedical research are effective and accessible new healthcare treatments and services. Practical realization of these benefits depends on the ability and willingness of private sector partners to develop and commercialize new technologies arising from PHS conducted and funded research. For potential preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic products, the interest of the private sector in commercializing new technologies often depends on the existence of patent protection on the technology in the United States and foreign countries. The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 allows PHS grantees and contractors to seek patent protection on subject inventions made using Government funds and to license those inventions with the goal of promoting their utilization, commercialization, and public availability. Recipients of PHS grants and contracts have a role in implementing the requirements of the Bayh-Dole Act ( In 1986, Federal laboratories, including PHS research laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were given a statutory mandate under the Federal Technology Transfer Act (P.L. 99–502) and Executive Order 12591 to ensure that new technologies developed in those laboratories were transferred to the private sector and commercialized. PHS recognizes that patenting and licensing genomic inventions presents formidable challenges for academic and government technology transfer programs because of the complexities in bringing these technologies to the marketplace in a way that balances the expansion of knowledge and direct public health benefit with the commercial needs of private interests. The following represents best practices recommendations to the intramural PHS technology transfer community as well as to universities, hospitals and other non-profit PHS funding recipients. These recommendations are not intended to constitute additional regulations, guidelines or conditions of award for any contract or grant, although they are consistent with existing policies set out in Sharing Biomedical Research Resources (final.html) and Developing Sponsored Research Agreements (research.html). Patent Protection Like other emerging technology areas, patents directed to genomic inventions tend to issue with claims that are broad in scope. Public health-oriented technology transfer must balance the rewards of broad intellectual property protection afforded to founders of enabling genomic inventions with the benefits of fostering opportunities for those striving to improve upon those innovations. Therefore, in considering whether to seek patent protection on genomic inventions, institutional officials should consider whether significant further research and development by the private sector is required to bring the invention to practical and commercial application. Intellectual property protection should be sought when it is clear that private sector investment will be necessary to develop and make the invention widely available. By contrast, when significant further research and development investment is not required, such as with many research material and research tool technologies, best practices dictate that patent protection rarely should be sought. Best Licensing Practices The optimal strategy to transfer and commercialize many genomic inventions is not always apparent at early stages of technology development. As an initial step in these instances, it may be prudent to protect the intellectual property rights to the invention. As definitive commercial pathways unfold, those embodiments of an invention requiring exclusive licensing as an incentive for commercial development of products or services can be distinguished from those that would best be disseminated non-exclusively in the marketplace. Whenever possible, non-exclusive licensing should be pursued as a best practice. A non-exclusive licensing approach favors and facilitates making broad enabling technologies and research uses of inventions widely available and accessible to the scientific community. When a genomic invention represents a component part or background to a commercial development, non-exclusive freedom-tooperate licensing may provide an appropriate and sufficient complement to existing exclusive intellectual property rights. In those cases where exclusive licensing is necessary to encourage research and development by private partners, best practices dictate that exclusive licenses should be appropriately tailored to ensure expeditious development of as many aspects of the technology as possible. Specific indications, fields of use, and territories should be limited to be commensurate with the abilities and commitment of licensees to bring the technology to market expeditiously. For example, patent claims to gene sequences could be licensed exclusively in a limited field of use drawn to development of antisense molecules in therapeutic protocols. Independent of such exclusive consideration, the same intellectual property rights could be licensed non-exclusively for diagnostic testing or as a research probe to study gene expression under varying physiological conditions. License agreements should be written with developmental milestones and benchmarks to ensure that the technology is fully developed by the licensee. The timely completion of milestones and benchmarks should be monitored and enforced. Best practices provide for modification or termination of licenses when progress toward commercialization is inadequate. Negotiated sublicensing terms and provisions optimally permit fair and appropriate participation of additional parties in the technology development process. Funding recipients and the intramural technology transfer community may find these recommendations helpful in achieving the universal goal of ensuring that public health consequences are considered when negotiating licenses for genomic technologies. PHS encourages licensing policies and strategies that maximize access, as well as commercial and research utilization of the technology to benefit the public health. For this reason, PHS believes that it is important for funding recipients and the intramural technology transfer community to reserve in their license agreements the right to use the licensed technologies for their own research and educational uses, and to allow other institutions to do the same, consistent with the Research Tools Guidelines. Conclusion PHS recognizes that these recommendations generally reflect practices that may already be followed by most funding recipients and the intramural technology transfer community with regard to licensing of genomic and other technologies. PHS also acknowledges the need for flexibility in the licensing negotiation process as the requirements of individual license negotiations may vary and may not always be adaptable to these best practices. Dated: April 5, 2005. Mark L. Rohrbaugh, Director, Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health. APPENDIX V - OECD, GUIDELINES FOR THE LICENSING OF GENETIC INVENTIONS (2006) The full report, including Background, Preface and PART II: Annotations, is available at: PART I: PRINCIPLES AND BEST PRACTICES FOR THE LICENSING OF GENETIC INVENTIONS A. Scope These Guidelines apply to the licensing of intellectual property rights that relate to genetic inventions used for the purpose of human healthcare. Within these Guidelines, the term “Genetic Invention” includes nucleic acids, nucleotide sequences and their expression products; transformed cell lines; vectors; as well as methods, technologies and materials for making, using or analysing such nucleic acids, nucleotide sequences, cell lines or vectors. This definition is intended to be forward looking to encompass highly related future developments. B. Principles and Best Practices 1. Licensing Generally Principles 1. A Licensing practices should foster innovation in the development of new genetic inventions related to human healthcare and should ensure that therapeutics, diagnostics and other products and services employing genetic inventions are made readily available on a reasonable basis. 1. B Licensing practices should encourage the rapid dissemination of information concerning genetic inventions. 1. C Licensing practices should provide an opportunity for licensors and licensees to obtain returns from their investment with respect to genetic inventions. 1. D Licensees and licensors should have reasonable certainty over their rights and the limitations to those rights in relation to genetic inventions. Best Practices 1.1 License agreements should permit licensees to develop and further improve the licensed genetic inventions. 1.2 License agreements should clearly set out which parties obtain, retain, receive and maintain ownership of, grant rights to and enforce intellectual property rights, including with respect to the improvements and new genetic inventions developed from the licensed technology. 1.3 Licence agreements should clearly set out which of the parties, if any, has the right to engage in collaborative research with third parties and set out the ownership of any intellectual property rights flowing from such collaborative research. 1.4 Confidentiality provisions should be carefully drafted so as to permit the dissemination of information pertaining to genetic inventions while taking into account the need to file patent applications, to protect undisclosed information and to capitalise on the inventions in the marketplace. 1.5 License agreements should not provide the licensor with exclusive control over human genetic information, including collections of such information, derived from individuals through the use of the licensed genetic invention. 1.6 Rights holders should be encouraged to agree to licensing terms and conditions that maximize the utilisation of their genetic inventions. 1.7 License agreements should clearly stipulate the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the parties and address the rights of the parties to use the improvements to the licensed genetic invention following any, including early, termination. 1.8 License agreements should define the roles and responsibilities of the parties in the commercialisation, if any, of the products and services arising from the use of the licensed genetic invention. 2. Healthcare and Genetic Inventions Principles 2. A Licensing practices should seek to strike a balance between the delivery of new products and services, healthcare needs, and economic returns. 2. B Licensing practices should ensure that patients benefit from the highest applicable standards with respect to privacy, safety and good laboratory methods available pursuant to the laws of their jurisdiction or those of the jurisdiction of the service provider using the genetic invention. 2. C Licensing practices should not be used to restrict the choice of other products or services by patients and their healthcare providers. 2. D Licensing practices should encourage appropriate access to and use of genetic inventions to address unmet and urgent health needs in OECD member countries and non-member economies. Best Practices 2.1 Rights holders should broadly license genetic inventions for research and investigation purposes. 2.2 Rights holders should license genetic inventions for health applications, including diagnostic testing, on terms and conditions that seek to ensure the widest public access to, and variety of, products and services based on the inventions. 2.3 Licensing practices should permit national or local providers to use genetic inventions in order to provide healthcare services, even if the rights holder is based in another jurisdiction. 2.4 Licensing agreements relating to products and services incorporating personal health information should facilitate compliance by the licensor and the licensee with the highest applicable privacy and other relevant laws. 2.5 License agreements should not restrict access by the licensee’s researchers to databases generated from licensed genetic inventions in their efforts to develop new therapies, products or services. 2.6 License agreements should permit licensees, for example healthcare providers, to offer patients flexibility and choice with respect to the selection of the type and nature of healthcare products and services. 3. Research Freedom Principles 3. A Licensing practices should increase rather than decrease access to genetic inventions for research purposes. 3. B Commercial considerations in public research activities should not unduly hinder the academic freedom of researchers. 3. C Commercial considerations in public research activities and, in particular, the need to preserve the opportunity to seek patent protection on inventions arising from these activities, should not unduly limit the ability to publish in a timely manner the results of research. 3. D Commercial considerations in public research activities should not unduly limit the educational training of students. Best Practices 3.1 License agreements should clearly delineate research areas, information and time frames in which researchers and students cannot publish or present papers or theses without violating confidentiality obligations. Licensors and licensees should inform all relevant individuals, including students, of the scope of confidentiality obligations in a timely fashion. 3.2 Licensors and licensees should educate their researchers with respect to intellectual property law, especially the effects of public disclosure on the patentability of inventions, confidentiality obligations and restrictions commonly contained in agreements. 3.3 Confidentiality provisions should provide that academic research arising pursuant to the license agreement can be freely published or disclosed, with as minimum a delay as possible, subject to the need to protect proprietary information disclosed to the licensee or arising from such research. 3.4 Delays in publications of academic research necessary, for example, for the filing of patent applications, should be limited and reasonable in the circumstances. 3.5 Confidentiality provisions in licensing agreements should be drafted as narrowly as suitable and should not prevent the possibility of reasonable disclosure in exceptional public health situations, in light of the objectives of the parties and the applicable law. 4. Commercial Development Principles 4. A Foundational genetic inventions should be licensed so as to be broadly accessible. 4. B Licensing practices should be used as an effective means to create value for licensors and licensees through the development of new products and services from genetic inventions. 4. C Licensing practices should strive to overcome co-ordination problems resulting from the need to access multiple genetic inventions. Best Practices 4.1 Should several licenses be required, license agreements should include a mechanism to set a reasonable overall royalty burden for genetic invention products and services, including research tools. 4.2 License agreements should include terms that maintain low barriers for access to genetic inventions. This may mean that such agreements do not include, for example, excessive up-front fees. 4.3 License agreements should avoid reach-through rights so as to foster broad and unencumbered utilisation of the genetic invention and so as to not discourage or stifle subsequent innovations. 4.4 Private and public sector participants should develop mechanisms to decrease transaction costs in acquiring rights to use technology. 4.5 Organisations that may enter into license agreements should educate their decision-makers about the opportunities to use the least restrictive licensing practices, as appropriate, as a means to maximise the benefits from genetic inventions for society, shareholders and other stakeholders. 5. Competition Principles 5. A Licensing practices pertaining to genetic inventions should foster economic growth through innovation and substantive competition, while complying with the applicable competition laws. 5. B Licensing practices should not be used to expand the breadth of exclusive rights beyond the scope of the relevant intellectual property rights. Best Practices 5.1 License agreements should avoid unduly restrictive tied-selling. 5.2 License agreements should avoid non-compete clauses in areas beyond the scope of licensed genetic invention. 5.3 License agreements relating to foundational genetic inventions should generally be non-exclusive to encourage broad access for researchers and patients and broad use of the genetic invention.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00001423688 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423689 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423690 GM02_1643 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423691 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423692 GKT0112 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423693 EXE_135 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423694 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423695 0687CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423696 SMH0102 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423697 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423698 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423699 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423700 NZ_4217 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423701 EXE_1172 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423702 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423703 NJM2170 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423704 NZ_3001 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423705 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423706 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423707 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423708 TOR_357 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423709 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423710 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423711 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423712 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423713 EXE_555 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423714 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423715 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423716 GM11_5361 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423717 EXE_522 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423718 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423719 GKT0812 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423720 NJM1987 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423721 Dundee725 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423722 EXE_1550 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423723 2996 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423724 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423725 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423726 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423727 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423728 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423729 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423730 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423731 GM05_2268 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423732 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423733 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423734 EXE_938 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423735 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423736 RR1845 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423737 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423738 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423739 RR1109 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423740 RR2025 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423741 NJM1792 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423742 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423743 NZ_4070 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423744 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423745 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423746 OG08_0092 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423747 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423748 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423749 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423750 EXE_850 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423751 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423752 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423753 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423754 NZ_3388 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423755 TOR_133 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423756 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423757 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423758 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423759 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423760 NJM1881 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423761 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423762 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423763 NJM0126 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423764 Dundee507 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423765 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423766 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423767 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423768 GM03_1993 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423769 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423770 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423771 Dundee850 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423772 NJM2089 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423773 TOR_775 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423774 GM03_1050 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423775 NJM2670 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423776 IBH0691 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423777 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423778 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423779 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423780 TOR_60 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423781 60474 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423782 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423783 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423784 GM02_0870 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423785 3094 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423786 TOR_243 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423787 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423788 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423789 GM03_1841 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423790 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423791 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423792 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423793 Dundee773 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423794 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423795 GM02_2100 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423796 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423797 EXE_539 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423798 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423799 TOR_417 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423800 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423801 NZ_3963 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423802 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423803 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423804 GKT0132 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423805 EXE_60 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423806 OG08_0186 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423807 EXE_577 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423808 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423809 0104CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423810 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423811 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423812 RR0364 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423813 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423814 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423815 NJM2270 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423816 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423817 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423818 GM05_2688 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423819 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423820 OG08_0351 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423821 EXE_38 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423822 NZ_3898 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423823 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423824 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423825 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423826 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423827 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423828 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423829 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423830 Dundee332 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423831 EXE_1557 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423832 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423833 OG08_0303 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423834 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423835 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423836 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423837 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423838 NJM1806 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423839 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423840 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423841 NZ_3314 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423842 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423843 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423844 OG08_0216 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423845 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423846 OG08_0120 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423847 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423848 GKT1091 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423849 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423850 OG08_0275 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423851 0808CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423852 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423853 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423854 GM02_2475 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423855 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423856 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423857 0795CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423858 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423859 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423860 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423861 0075CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423862 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423863 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423864 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423865 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423866 NJM0725 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423867 NZ_3786 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423868 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423869 NJM2144 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423870 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423871 TOR_107 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423872 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423873 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423874 63346 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423875 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423876 TOR_45 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423877 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423878 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423879 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423880 NZ_3760 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423881 RR1259 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423882 NZ_4411 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423883 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423884 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423885 GM04_3668 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423886 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423887 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423888 GM04_0643 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423889 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423890 Dundee539 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423891 NJM3317 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423892 NJM1803 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423893 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423894 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423895 NJM2382 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423896 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423897 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423898 EXE_712 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423899 EXE_851 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423900 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423901 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423902 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423903 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423904 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423905 TOR_1167 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423906 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423907 Dundee636 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423908 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423909 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423910 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001423911 OG08_0143 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423912 0473CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423913 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423914 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423915 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423916 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423917 0745CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423918 TOR_114 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423919 GM05_3482 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423920 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423921 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423922 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423923 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423924 NJM1907 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423925 GM02_0916 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423926 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423927 NJM0676 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423928 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423929 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423930 NZ_3671 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423931 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423932 Dundee774 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423933 NJM2676 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423934 GM04_2776 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423935 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423936 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423937 GM04_2308 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423938 GM06_3548 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423939 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423940 OG08_0384 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423941 NJM0921 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423942 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423943 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423944 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423945 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423946 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423947 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423948 N0100 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423949 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423950 EXE_1207 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423951 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423952 GM06_0028 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423953 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423954 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423955 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423956 EXE_1514 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423957 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423958 GM05_2280 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423959 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423960 RR1123 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423961 OG08_0465 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423962 RR1095 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423963 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423964 TOR_156 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423965 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423966 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423967 OG09_0158 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423968 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423969 OG09_0182 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423970 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423971 NZ_3324 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423972 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423973 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423974 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423975 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423976 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423977 EXE_1218 28.6 MB
EGAF00001423978 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423979 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001423980 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423981 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423982 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423983 CIMR_T429 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423984 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423985 NZ_3925 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423986 NJM1945 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423987 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423988 RR1364 28.8 MB
EGAF00001423989 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423990 GM04_3176 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423991 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423992 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423993 1037 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423994 TOR_90 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423995 NJM2598 28.7 MB
EGAF00001423996 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423997 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423998 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001423999 NZ_3222 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424000 GKT0108 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424001 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424002 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424003 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424004 GM08_5373 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424005 OG08_0476 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424006 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424007 NJM1824 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424008 RR0013 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424009 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424010 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424011 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424012 SMH0111 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424013 TOR_92 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424014 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424015 Dundee456 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424016 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424017 NJM2592 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424018 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424019 GKT0155 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424020 RR2048 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424021 OG08_0296 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424022 GKT0333 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424023 EXE_1558 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424024 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424025 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424026 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424027 RR1774 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424028 GM06_2424 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424029 2114CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424030 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424031 RR0018 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424032 TOR_347 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424033 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424034 NZ_4032 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424035 64155 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424036 NJM2320 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424037 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424038 CIMR_T416 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424039 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424040 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424041 N0033 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424042 NZ_3778 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424043 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424044 NZ_3527 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424045 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424046 GM04_3016 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424047 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424048 NZ_3697 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424049 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424050 RR3013 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424051 OG09_0172 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424052 NJM2331 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424053 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424054 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424055 NJM1946 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424056 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424057 RR0893 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424058 EXE_1101 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424059 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424060 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424061 EXE_934 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424062 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424063 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424064 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424065 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424066 RR1381 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424067 NJM2460 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424068 TOR_961 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424069 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424070 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424071 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424072 GM02_2098 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424073 0694CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424074 EXE_30 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424075 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424076 GM04_4113 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424077 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424078 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424079 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424080 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424081 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424082 OG08_0353 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424083 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424084 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424085 SMH0096 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424086 EXE_634 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424087 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424088 0452CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424089 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424090 EXE_721 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424091 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424092 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424093 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424094 NJM2293 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424095 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424096 GKT1240 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424097 0429CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424098 GM04_3191 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424099 NJM2458 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424100 EXE_773 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424101 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424102 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424103 EXE_896 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424104 2184CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424105 NZ_3652 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424106 NZ_3002 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424107 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424108 NJM2100 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424109 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424110 N0043 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424111 GKT1953 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424112 NJM3273 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424113 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424114 GM02_3142 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424115 3155 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424116 0363CD 28.9 MB
EGAF00001424117 RR0694 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424118 GM04_3205 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424119 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424120 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424121 RR0471 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424122 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424123 CIMR_T444 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424124 TOR_208 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424125 2095CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424126 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424127 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424128 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424129 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424130 GM04_4686 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424131 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424132 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424133 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424134 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424135 TOR_1473 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424136 CIMR_T434 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424137 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424138 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424139 NJM2449 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424140 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424141 TOR_1063 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424142 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424143 0641CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424144 NJM2337 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424145 NZ_4119 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424146 TOR_868 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424147 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424148 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424149 GM04_3637 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424150 NJM2317 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424151 RR0279 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424152 NJM1075 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424153 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424154 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424155 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424156 OG09_0069 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424157 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424158 GM05_3472 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424159 NJM2709 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424160 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424161 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424162 EXE_32 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424163 TOR_853 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424164 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424165 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424166 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424167 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424168 GKT1195 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424169 GKT0194 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424170 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424171 GM05_3812 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424172 OG09_0006 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424173 NZ_3019 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424174 NZ_3094 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424175 OG08_0246 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424176 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424177 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424178 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424179 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424180 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424181 NJM3508 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424182 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424183 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424184 GM08_5018 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424185 NZ_3528 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424186 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424187 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424188 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424189 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424190 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424191 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424192 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424193 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424194 TOR_805 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424195 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424196 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424197 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424198 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424199 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424200 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424201 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424202 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424203 GM02_1464 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424204 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424205 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424206 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424207 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424208 0681CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424209 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424210 TOR_759 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424211 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424212 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424213 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424214 GM04_2297 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424215 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424216 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424217 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424218 NJM1914 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424219 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424220 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424221 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424222 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424223 RR0390 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424224 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424225 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424226 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424227 RR0105 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424228 1020 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424229 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424230 EXE_24 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424231 TOR_151 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424232 NJM3274 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424233 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424234 GKT1228 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424235 NZ_3408 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424236 GM05_4467 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424237 TOR_1453 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424238 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424239 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424240 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424241 TOR_1634 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424242 GKT1007 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424243 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424244 GKT1001 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424245 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424246 GM05_0137 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424247 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424248 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424249 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424250 0057CD 28.9 MB
EGAF00001424251 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424252 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424253 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424254 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424255 NJM0633 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424256 0693CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424257 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424258 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424259 OG09_0193 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424260 TOR_895 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424261 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424262 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424263 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424264 NJM0643 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424265 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424266 GM04_2686 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424267 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424268 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424269 GM06_3214 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424270 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424271 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424272 OG08_0150 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424273 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424274 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424275 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424276 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424277 NJM030 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424278 55190 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424279 0428CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424280 OG08_0084 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424281 NJM1715 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424282 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424283 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424284 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424285 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424286 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424287 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424288 OG08_0394 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424289 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424290 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424291 Dundee410 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424292 OG08_0310 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424293 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424294 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424295 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424296 NZ_3437 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424297 EXE_973 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424298 GM04_4689 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424299 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424300 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424301 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424302 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424303 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424304 OG09_0144 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424305 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424306 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424307 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424308 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424309 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424310 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424311 NZ_3691 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424312 RR1777 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424313 OG08_0233 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424314 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424315 OG09_0175 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424316 NJM2717 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424317 EXE_147 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424318 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424319 TOR_1288 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424320 EXE_1142 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424321 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424322 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424323 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424324 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424325 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424326 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424327 GM04_2304 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424328 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424329 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424330 NJM3612 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424331 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424332 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424333 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424334 NZ_3497 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424335 3101 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424336 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424337 TOR_1353 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424338 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424339 NJM2912 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424340 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424341 TOR_960 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424342 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424343 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424344 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424345 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424346 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424347 GM05_0635 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424348 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424349 NJM2039 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424350 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424351 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424352 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424353 EXE_751 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424354 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424355 TOR_664 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424356 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424357 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424358 Dundee585 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424359 1106 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424360 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424361 OG08_0183 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424362 NZ_3826 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424363 GM05_4988 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424364 Dundee610 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424365 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424366 NJM2459 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424367 NZ_3118 28.9 MB
EGAF00001424368 GKT0563 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424369 OG09_0053 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424370 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424371 RR2007 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424372 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424373 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424374 TOR_505 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424375 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424376 NJM2090 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424377 NZ_3795 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424378 TOR_508 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424379 EXE_75 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424380 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424381 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424382 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424383 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424384 2081CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424385 GM02_0989 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424386 0805CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424387 EXE_585 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424388 TOR_219 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424389 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424390 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424391 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424392 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424393 TOR_1150 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424394 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424395 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424396 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424397 OG08_0169 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424398 0676CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424399 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424400 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424401 NJM3576 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424402 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424403 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424404 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424405 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424406 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424407 NZ_4152 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424408 TOR_888 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424409 GKT1347 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424410 NJM2324 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424411 NJM3428 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424412 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424413 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424414 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424415 EXE_926 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424416 GM03_2664 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424417 GKT0899 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424418 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424419 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424420 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424421 NJM3195 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424422 OG09_0165 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424423 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424424 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424425 NZ_4221 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424426 RR0515 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424427 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424428 NJM3318 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424429 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424430 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424431 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424432 GM06_3752 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424433 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424434 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424435 NJM1888 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424436 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424437 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424438 Dundee716 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424439 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424440 EXE_1544 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424441 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424442 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424443 GM05_2546 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424444 GM03_0659 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424445 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424446 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424447 NZ_3376 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424448 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424449 3095 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424450 N0078 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424451 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424452 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424453 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424454 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424455 N0102 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424456 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424457 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424458 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424459 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424460 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424461 RR1785 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424462 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424463 NJM1992 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424464 N0011 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424465 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424466 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424467 GM06_3078 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424468 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424469 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424470 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424471 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424472 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424473 0796CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424474 GM04_2794 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424475 EXE_1577 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424476 OG09_0284 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424477 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424478 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424479 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424480 2161CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424481 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424482 EXE_720 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424483 GM03_3123 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424484 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424485 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424486 EXE_565 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424487 NJM2328 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424488 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424489 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424490 GM04_2960 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424491 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424492 OFG0108 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424493 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424494 GM03_1229 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424495 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424496 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424497 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424498 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424499 EXE_105 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424500 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424501 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424502 OG09_0132 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424503 RR1767 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424504 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424505 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424506 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424507 NJM1940 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424508 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424509 OG08_0276 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424510 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424511 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424512 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424513 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424514 GKT0571 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424515 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424516 GM06_2860 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424517 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424518 GM06_0217 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424519 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424520 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424521 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424522 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424523 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424524 EXE_823 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424525 NZ_3267 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424526 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424527 2175CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424528 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424529 GKT1218 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424530 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424531 GKT1162 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424532 OG09_0183 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424533 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424534 SMH0065 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424535 GM08_5053 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424536 0782CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424537 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424538 NJM3179 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424539 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424540 NJM3626 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424541 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424542 NJM0641 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424543 GM03_2915 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424544 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424545 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424546 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424547 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424548 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424549 RR1680 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424550 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424551 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424552 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424553 EXE_76 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424554 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424555 RR0064 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424556 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424557 GM11_5810 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424558 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424559 TOR_455 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424560 CIMR_T478 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424561 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424562 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424563 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424564 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424565 OG09_0297 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424566 GM11_6173 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424567 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424568 Dundee730 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424569 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424570 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424571 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424572 EXE_39 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424573 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424574 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424575 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424576 EXE_1575 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424577 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424578 NJM2326 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424579 OG08_0002 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424580 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424581 OG08_0291 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424582 TOR_1008 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424583 TOR_701 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424584 GM06_0963 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424585 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424586 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424587 Dundee586 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424588 CIMR_T421 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424589 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424590 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424591 EXE_915 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424592 NZ_4264 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424593 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424594 ASTIC_0808 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424595 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424596 EXE_614 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424597 Dundee650 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424598 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424599 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424600 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424601 NJM2393 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424602 OG09_0176 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424603 GM03_1724 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424604 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424605 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424606 NJM2578 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424607 TOR_927 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424608 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424609 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424610 EXE_008 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424611 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424612 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424613 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424614 OG08_0250 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424615 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424616 Dundee695 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424617 RR1738 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424618 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424619 OG08_0273 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424620 0115CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424621 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424622 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424623 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424624 TOR_157 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424625 GM05_5295 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424626 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424627 EXE_77 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424628 GKT1009 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424629 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424630 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424631 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424632 Dundee371 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424633 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424634 NZ_3427 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424635 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424636 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424637 Dundee705 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424638 TOR_71 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424639 GM06_1246 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424640 N0013 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424641 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424642 0135CD 29.0 MB
EGAF00001424643 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424644 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424645 EXE_1108 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424646 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424647 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424648 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424649 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424650 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424651 GM06_0183 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424652 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424653 NJM2704 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424654 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424655 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424656 Dundee793 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424657 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424658 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424659 GM05_0134 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424660 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424661 OG08_0327 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424662 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424663 NJM1593 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424664 NZ_3584 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424665 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424666 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424667 NJM1997 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424668 NJM1822 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424669 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424670 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424671 RR0596 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424672 NJM2307 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424673 OG09_0003 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424674 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424675 NZ_3668 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424676 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424677 0034CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424678 RR0866 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424679 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424680 GM03_0577 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424681 NJM2934 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424682 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424683 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424684 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424685 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424686 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424687 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424688 NZ_3800 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424689 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424690 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424691 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424692 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424693 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424694 NZ_4131 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424695 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424696 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424697 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424698 RR0245 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424699 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424700 RR1546 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424701 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424702 OG08_0230 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424703 NZ_3305 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424704 OG08_0429 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424705 N0026 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424706 NZ_4037 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424707 EXE_125 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424708 NZ_3198 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424709 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424710 NZ_3746 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424711 EXE_525 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424712 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424713 NJM2155 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424714 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424715 OG08_0202 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424716 OG08_0380 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424717 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424718 EXE_31 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424719 TOR_288 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424720 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424721 EXE_951 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424722 OG08_0320 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424723 NJM0131 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424724 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424725 GKT1238 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424726 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424727 NJM1495 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424728 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424729 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424730 Dundee637 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424731 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424732 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424733 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424734 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424735 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424736 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424737 GM04_1475 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424738 1033 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424739 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424740 EXE_982 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424741 RR1800 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424742 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424743 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424744 GM04_3893 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424745 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424746 GM03_1310 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424747 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424748 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424749 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424750 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424751 TOR_1368 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424752 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424753 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424754 GM04_2385 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424755 SMH0091 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424756 NZ_3229 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424757 GM04_2919 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424758 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424759 OG09_0228 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424760 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424761 TOR_1570 28.6 MB
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EGAF00001424763 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424764 EXE_593 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424765 EXE_1574 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424766 NZ_3005 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424767 2058CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424768 GM04_2655 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424770 Dundee735 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424771 RR1419 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424772 EXE_1154 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424773 NZ_3354 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424774 OG08_0281 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424776 EXE_735 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424777 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424778 SMH0086 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424779 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424780 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424781 NJM2002 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424783 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424784 EXE_862 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424785 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424786 EXE_1113 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424787 GM11_5811 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424788 GKT0753 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424789 NJM2681 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424790 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424791 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424792 EXE_1096 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424793 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424794 GM03_2787 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424795 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424796 EXE_914 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424797 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424798 TOR_1044 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424799 OG08_0385 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424800 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424801 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424802 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424803 GM11_5163 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424804 NJM1916 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424805 GM05_2535 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424806 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424807 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424808 GM05_5287 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424809 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424810 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424811 OG09_0253 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424812 Dundee754 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424813 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424814 GM03_3182 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424815 NJM035 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424816 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424817 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424818 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424819 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424820 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424821 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424822 EXE_570 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424823 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424824 GM06_3564 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424825 EXE_129 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424826 OFG0090 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424828 N0118 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424830 GM05_0625 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424831 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424832 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424833 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424834 GM02_1670 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424835 GKT0765 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424836 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424837 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424838 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424839 0587CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424840 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424841 GM04_2948 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424842 OG08_0436 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424843 65001 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424844 RR1425 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424845 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424846 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424847 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424848 GM05_2537 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424849 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424850 EXE_1115 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424851 EXE_1555 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424852 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424853 GM05_3189 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424854 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424855 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424856 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424857 EXE_595 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424858 OG08_0259 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424859 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424860 GM05_0077 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424861 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424862 N0096 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424863 NZ_3568 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424864 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424865 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424866 OG09_0277 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424867 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424868 EXE_9 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424869 CIMR_T470 28.6 MB
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EGAF00001424871 RR0579 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424872 RR0384 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424875 0809CD 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424877 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424878 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424879 0668CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424880 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424881 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424882 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424883 EXE_43 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424884 TOR_83 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424885 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424886 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424887 RR1358 28.9 MB
EGAF00001424888 Dundee356 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424889 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424890 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424891 RR0802 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424892 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424893 RR4058 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424894 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424895 EXE_145 28.6 MB
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EGAF00001424897 OG08_0307 28.8 MB
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EGAF00001424899 OFG0007 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424900 GM04_1569 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424901 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424902 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424903 61134 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424904 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424905 OG08_0222 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424908 TOR_1125 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424909 0240CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424910 0288CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424911 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424912 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424913 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424914 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424915 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424916 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424917 N0016 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424918 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424919 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424920 0648CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424921 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001424923 OG08_0298 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424924 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424925 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424926 OG08_0442 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424927 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001424929 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424930 GM03_1369 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424932 EXE_1403 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424933 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424934 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424935 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424936 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001424938 NJM2273 28.8 MB
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EGAF00001424940 Dundee681 28.8 MB
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EGAF00001424946 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424947 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424948 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424949 N0093 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424950 NJM2111 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424951 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424952 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424953 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424954 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424955 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424956 GM05_5293 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424957 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424958 GKT1089 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424959 GM04_3155 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424960 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424961 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424962 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424963 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424964 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424965 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424966 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424967 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424968 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424969 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424970 0545CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424971 NJM1925 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424972 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424973 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424974 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424975 0099CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424976 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001424977 NZ_3422 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424978 GM05_1048 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424979 NZ_3553 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001424981 0666CD 28.8 MB
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EGAF00001424983 GM06_0027 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424984 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424985 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424986 GM05_2401 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424987 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424988 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424989 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424990 TOR_1402 28.6 MB
EGAF00001424991 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424992 Dundee654 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424993 NJM1782 28.8 MB
EGAF00001424994 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001424995 GM04_3049 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424996 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001424997 TOR_1099 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424998 28.7 MB
EGAF00001424999 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425000 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425001 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001425003 GM05_4146 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425004 GM06_3724 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425005 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425006 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425007 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425008 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425009 Dundee741 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425010 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425011 OG08_0293 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425012 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425013 NZ_3928 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425014 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425015 Dundee594 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425017 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425018 TOR_200 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425019 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425020 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425021 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425022 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425023 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425024 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425025 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425026 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425027 NZ_3502 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425028 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425029 0734CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425030 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425031 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425032 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425033 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425034 NJM2049 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425035 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425036 64570 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425037 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425038 GKT1011 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425039 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425040 TOR_1494 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425041 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425042 EXE_075 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425043 NJM1878 28.9 MB
EGAF00001425044 NJM2930 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425045 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425046 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425047 GM04_2681 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425048 GM11_5258 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425049 GKT0907 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425050 0154CD 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425051 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425052 SMH0074 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425054 NJM2576 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425055 NJM1121 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425056 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425057 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425058 EXE_640 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425059 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425060 NJM1812 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425061 NZ_3133 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425062 ARR 4.6 kB
EGAF00001425063 GM02_2026 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425064 TOR_600 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425065 NJM1986 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425066 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425067 EXE_85 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425068 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425069 GKT0919 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425070 RR0857 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425071 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425072 1149 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425073 0210CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425074 0800CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425075 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425076 OFG0121 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425077 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425078 CIMR_T422 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425079 RR0403 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425080 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425081 NZ_4158 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425082 OG08_0498 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425083 GM02_2300 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425084 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425085 GM06_3582 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425086 GM03_0722 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425087 TOR_1148 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425088 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425089 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425090 RR1128 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425091 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425092 GM02_2296 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425093 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425094 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425095 NJM1833 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425096 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425097 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425098 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425099 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425100 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425101 GM03_2765 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425102 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425103 OG08_0145 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425104 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425105 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425106 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425107 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425108 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425109 0036CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425110 OG08_0417 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425111 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425112 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425113 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425114 N0111 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425115 Dundee851 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425116 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425117 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425118 NJM2232 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425119 NZ_3251 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425120 TOR_891 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425121 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425122 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425123 NJM1913 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425124 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425125 NZ_3736 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425126 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425127 0259CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425128 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425129 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425130 NJM1949 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425131 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425132 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425133 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425134 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425135 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425136 0814CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425137 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425138 GM03_2644 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425139 TOR_651 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425140 GKT1951 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425141 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425142 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425143 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425144 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425145 SMH0087 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425146 0005CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425147 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425148 NZ_3330 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425149 3016 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425150 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425151 TOR_225 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425152 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425153 Dundee712 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425154 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425155 SMH0056 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425156 EXE_518 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425157 Dundee465 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425158 OG08_0315 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425159 GKT1308 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425160 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425161 NZ_3404 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425162 NJM0074 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425163 Dundee572 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425164 OG09_0045 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425165 TOR_1245 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425166 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425167 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425168 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425169 TOR_1527 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425170 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425171 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425172 TOR_1042 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425173 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425174 NJM3590 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425175 EXE_687 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425176 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425177 Dundee733 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425178 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425179 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425180 Dundee341 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425181 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425182 Dundee804 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425183 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425184 GM04_2810 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425185 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425186 OG09_0275 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425187 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425188 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425189 RR0050 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425190 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425191 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425192 0111CD 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425193 EXE_741 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425194 Dundee605 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425195 N0014 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425196 EXE_16 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425197 EXE_718 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425198 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425199 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425200 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425201 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425202 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425203 NZ_3627 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425204 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425205 OG08_0333 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425206 NJM2087 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425207 NJM3437 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425208 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425209 EXE_508 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425210 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425211 0783CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425212 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425213 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425214 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425215 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425216 NJM2004 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425217 EXE_1111 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425218 NZ_3323 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425219 RR1351 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425220 OG08_0214 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425221 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425222 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425223 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425224 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425225 NJM2109 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425226 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425227 OG08_0244 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425228 TOR_128 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425229 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425230 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425231 NJM2376 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425232 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425233 OG09_0181 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425234 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425235 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425236 GM05_5413 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425237 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425238 NZ_4416 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425239 GKT1241 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425240 EXE_1399 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425241 OG08_0479 29.0 MB
EGAF00001425242 NZ_3494 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425243 NJM2243 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425244 GM03_0576 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425245 EXE_1224 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425246 NZ_3271 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425247 0542CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425248 1005 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425249 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425250 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425251 NZ_3174 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425252 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425253 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425254 TOR_82 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425255 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425256 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425257 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425258 NJM2584 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425259 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425260 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425261 GM04_2949 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425262 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425263 NZ_3439 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425264 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425265 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425266 Dundee685 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425267 1015 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425268 TOR_1354 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425269 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425270 NJM1838 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425271 EXE_1124 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425272 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425273 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425274 Dundee777 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425275 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425276 SMH0057 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425277 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425278 GM02_2521 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425279 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425280 EXE_690 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425281 EXE_948 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425282 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425283 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425284 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425285 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425286 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425287 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425288 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425289 NJM1804 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425290 NJM2661 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425291 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425292 NZ_4199 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425293 NJM1929 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425294 GM04_4429 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425295 0045CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425296 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425297 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425298 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425299 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425300 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425301 NZ_3989 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425302 N0073 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425303 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425304 NZ_3540 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425305 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425306 OG09_0157 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425307 TOR_860 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425308 CIMR_T431 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425309 OG09_0272 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425310 RR0154 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425311 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425312 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425313 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425314 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425315 NJM1967 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425316 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425317 TOR_464 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425318 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425319 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425320 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425321 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425322 GM03_1554 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425323 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425324 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425325 GM05_3879 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425326 3082 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425327 EXE_548 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425328 EXE_1610 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425329 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425330 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425331 OG09_0229 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425332 2179CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425333 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425334 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425335 TOR_1421 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425336 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425337 SMH0109 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425338 SMH0069 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425339 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425340 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425341 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425342 RR1889 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425343 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425344 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425345 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425346 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425347 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425348 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425349 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425350 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425351 0460CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425352 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425353 NJM2716 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425354 EXE_1479 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425355 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425356 Dundee518 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425357 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425358 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425359 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425360 OG08_0482 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425361 1053 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425362 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425363 TOR_704 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425364 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425365 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425366 RR1610 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425367 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425368 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425369 NJM0671 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425370 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425371 NZ_3445 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425372 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425373 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425374 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425375 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425376 GM04_3197 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425377 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425378 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425379 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425380 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425381 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425382 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425383 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425384 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425385 TOR_629 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425386 NZ_3589 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425387 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425388 OG08_0297 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425389 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425390 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425391 GM05_2250 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425392 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425393 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425394 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425395 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425396 GM05_3846 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425397 NJM3622 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425398 0806CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425399 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425400 SMH0053 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425401 GM05_2317 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425402 NZ_4048 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425403 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425404 NZ_3044 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425405 SMH0054 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425406 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425407 GKT0732 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425408 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425409 NJM056 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425410 EXE_960 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425411 NJM0658 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425412 TOR_1392 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425413 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425414 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425415 EXE_127 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425416 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425417 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425418 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425419 OG09_0306 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425420 GM05_2264 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425421 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425422 EXE_575 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425423 RR0029 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425424 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425425 GM05_0102 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425426 TOR_1144 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425427 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425428 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425429 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425430 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425431 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425432 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425433 GKT1341 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425434 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425435 NJM1732 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425436 NJM2105 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425437 OG08_0231 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425438 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425439 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425440 OG08_0147 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425441 TOR_1464 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425442 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425443 NZ_3507 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425444 EXE_1551 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425445 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425446 NJM2941 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425447 NJM0121 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425448 GM05_3887 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425449 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425450 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425451 OG08_0481 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425452 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425453 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425454 GKT0018 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425455 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425456 1073 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425457 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425458 NZ_3201 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425459 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425460 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425461 NJM2268 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425462 EXE_541 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425463 NZ_3407 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425464 Dundee647 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425465 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425466 RR0020 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425467 OG08_0256 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425468 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425469 EXE_171 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425470 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425471 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425472 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425473 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425474 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425475 OG08_0334 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425476 SMH0060 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425477 CIMR_T482 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425478 TOR_221 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425479 2145CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425480 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425481 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425482 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425483 NZ_3238 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425484 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425485 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425486 GM03_2607 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425487 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425488 EXE_1185 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425489 GM06_1016 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425490 EXE_1091 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425491 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425492 GM05_2400 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425493 EXE_558 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425494 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425495 EXE_186 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425496 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425497 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425498 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425499 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425500 NJM2600 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425501 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425502 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425503 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425504 TOR_248 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425505 Dundee839 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425506 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425507 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425508 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425509 NJM2388 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425510 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425511 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425512 0789CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425513 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425514 GKT0055 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425515 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425516 0427CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425517 NZ_4247 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425518 2167CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425519 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425520 RR4004 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425521 RR1247 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425522 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425523 EXE_651 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425524 GM04_3990 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425525 NJM3168 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425526 OG08_0287 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425527 NJM2157 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425528 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425529 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425530 N0092 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425531 RR0248 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425532 53976 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425533 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425534 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425535 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425536 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425537 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425538 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425539 NZ_3332 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425540 NJM1883 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425541 GM03_1631 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425542 NZ_3606 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425543 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425544 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425545 NJM1818 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425546 NJM2173 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425547 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425548 NJM2637 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425549 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425550 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425551 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425552 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425553 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425554 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425555 GM05_2527 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425556 OG08_0261 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425557 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425558 TOR_1210 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425559 0019CD 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425560 0660CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425561 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425562 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425563 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425564 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425565 TOR_271 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425566 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425567 NZ_3765 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425568 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425569 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425570 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425571 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425572 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425573 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425574 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425575 53974 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425576 GM02_0943 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425577 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425578 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425579 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425580 OG09_0264 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425581 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425582 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425583 NJM2027 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425584 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425585 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425586 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425587 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425588 TOR_1146 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425589 GM05_3214 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425590 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425591 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425592 NJM2574 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425593 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425594 NJM2396 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425595 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425596 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425597 NJM0092 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425598 NZ_3681 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425599 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425600 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425601 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425602 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425603 OG08_0371 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425604 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425605 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425606 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425607 NZ_4357 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425608 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425609 GKT1977 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425610 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425611 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425612 TOR_788 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425613 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425614 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425615 TOR_24 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425616 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425617 Dundee751 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425618 TOR_896 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425619 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425620 GM04_2162 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425622 0039CD 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425624 GM06_3580 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425625 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425626 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425627 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425628 GM05_2407 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425629 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425630 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425631 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425632 GM02_2101 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425633 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425634 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425635 NZ_3327 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425636 RR1283 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425637 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425638 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425639 NZ_3679 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425640 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425641 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425642 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425643 EXE_1153 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425644 NZ_4128 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425645 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425646 NJM2662 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425647 GM06_3703 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425648 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425649 NZ_4262 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425650 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425651 TOR_833 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425652 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425653 GM04_3525 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425654 EXE_967 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425655 TOR_41 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425656 RR0131 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425657 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425658 TOR_499 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425659 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425660 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425661 GM04_3407 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425662 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425663 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425664 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425665 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425666 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425667 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425668 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425669 NJM2154 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425670 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425671 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425672 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425673 TOR_714 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425674 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425675 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425676 OG09_0021 28.9 MB
EGAF00001425677 NJM2308 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425678 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425679 Dundee319 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425680 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425681 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425682 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425683 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425684 Dundee469 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425685 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425686 NJM2688 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425687 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425688 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425689 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425690 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425691 GM04_3031 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425692 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425693 NJM1570 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425696 GM05_3780 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425697 RR0343 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425698 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425699 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425700 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425701 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425702 GKT1216 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425703 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425704 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425705 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425706 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425707 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425708 NZ_3208 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425709 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425710 NJM2452 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425711 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425712 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425713 NZ_3029 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425715 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425716 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425717 1109 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425718 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425719 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425720 RR0844 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425721 N0015 28.6 MB
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EGAF00001425723 NJM0007 28.6 MB
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EGAF00001425725 ARR 5.6 kB
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EGAF00001425727 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425728 RR3001 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425729 NJM2140 28.8 MB
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EGAF00001425732 GM04_1664 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425733 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425734 NJM1896 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425735 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425736 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425737 EXE_818 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425738 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425739 GM02_3309 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425740 NJM2611 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425741 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425742 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425743 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425744 TOR_990 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425745 9003018 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425748 Dundee516 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425749 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425750 NJM2938 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425751 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425752 RR2015 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425753 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425754 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425755 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425756 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425757 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425758 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425759 ARR 5.6 kB
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EGAF00001425761 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425762 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425763 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425764 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425765 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425766 OG09_0056 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425767 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425768 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425769 TOR_1172 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425770 NJM2893 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425771 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425772 NZ_3394 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425773 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425774 NZ_3141 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425775 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425776 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425777 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425778 0812CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425779 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425780 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425781 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425782 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425783 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425784 GKT0460 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425785 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425786 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425787 EXE_166 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425788 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425789 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425790 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425791 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425792 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425793 EXE_574 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425794 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425795 NZ_3523 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425797 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425798 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425799 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425800 NZ_4379 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425801 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425802 NZ_4234 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425803 55185 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425804 TOR_116 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425805 NJM2263 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425806 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425807 TOR_1578 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425808 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425809 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425810 RR0923 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425811 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425812 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425813 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425814 EXE_1202 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425815 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425816 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425817 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425818 NJM093 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425819 2183CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425820 28.8 MB
EGAF00001425821 NZ_4095 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425822 0630CD 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425823 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425824 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425825 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425826 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001425828 NZ_3617 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425830 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425831 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425832 NZ_3158 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425833 GKT1378 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425834 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425835 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425836 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425837 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425838 EXE_1232 28.6 MB
EGAF00001425839 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425840 RR1403 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425841 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425842 NZ_3838 28.7 MB
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EGAF00001425844 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425845 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425846 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425847 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425848 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425849 63327 28.7 MB
EGAF00001425851 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425852 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425856 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425860 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425863 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425866 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425867 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425869 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001425872 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425873 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425874 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425875 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425876 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425878 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425880 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425881 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425883 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425889 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425890 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425891 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425895 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425897 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425898 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425899 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425902 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425903 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425904 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425906 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425907 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425909 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425910 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425911 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425914 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425915 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425916 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425917 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425918 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425919 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425920 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425922 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425923 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425924 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425925 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425926 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425930 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425933 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425934 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425941 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425942 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425946 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425947 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425948 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425950 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425954 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425959 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425960 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425961 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425963 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425964 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425967 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425970 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425972 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425973 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425975 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425978 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001425979 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425980 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425981 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425982 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425983 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425985 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425988 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425990 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425991 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425993 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425994 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425997 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425998 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001425999 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426001 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426002 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426003 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426005 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426007 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426010 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426013 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426014 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426015 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426017 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426018 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426020 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426021 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426024 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426027 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001426029 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426030 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426031 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426032 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426033 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426036 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426037 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426039 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426042 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426046 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426047 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426048 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426051 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426052 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426054 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426055 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426056 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426057 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426059 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426060 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426061 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426063 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426065 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426066 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426068 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426069 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426071 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426072 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426073 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426074 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426078 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426079 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426080 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426084 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426089 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426090 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426092 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426093 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001426096 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426098 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426101 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001426106 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426110 ARR 5.6 kB
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EGAF00001426122 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426129 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001426130 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426131 ARR 5.6 kB
EGAF00001426135 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426139 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426146 ARR 5.5 kB
EGAF00001426151 ARR 4.5 kB
EGAF00001426154 ARR 5.5 kB
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EGAF00001426185 ARR 5.6 kB
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EGAF00001426214 ARR 4.5 kB
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