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ExHiBITT – Exploring Host microBIome inTeractions in Twins – a colon multiomic cohort study

The objective of the colonoscopy study is to carry out the 16s sequencing of colon biopsies and faecal samples provided in ExHiBITT study to compare potential fluctuations in the microbiota of different sites.

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The department is looking to facilitate and encourage the access and sharing of data and material with the world scientific community in view to promote and contribute to further scientific research and generate new ideas and knowledge. Specifically the Department of Twin Research is committed to currently supported access and full open access long term with the aim of: I. Facilitating multidisciplinary research and general access to both phenotypic and genotypic data for a diverse set of clinically related traits II. Publishing in peer reviewed journals as well as creating an open forum to interact with the scientific community

TwinsUK Data Access Policy

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

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