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The policy prepared for ICGC and ICGC ARGO projects.

E.8.3 Data Access Compliance Office Policies and Procedures Version 2.0 August 2021 1. Introduction The purpose of the DACO is to manage access to ICGC’s controlled data through application requests (DACO Application for Access to the Controlled Data). Researchers submit their access requests directly to the DACO, who in turn reviews these access requests to ensure compliance with ICGC policies. Compliance includes, but is not limited to, policies concerning the purpose and relevance of the research, the protection of donors, and the security of donors’ data. These practices facilitate responsible sharing of genomic and associated data and the development of harmonized standards for data access. Specifically: ICGC ARGO observes purposeful, proportionate and responsible use and sharing of genomic and health-related data. A primary aspiration of DACO is the balance between ICGC policies and goals of data sharing. Wherever possible DACO adheres to global standards and guidelines for data access and responsible sharing, specifically the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health’s Framework for Responsible Sharing of Genomic and Health Related data (2014) and the GA4GH Data Access Committee Guiding Principles and Procedural Standards. 2. Background While committed to open data sharing, the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) adopted a controlled access model for potentially re-identifiable and personal data as a response to privacy risk concerns for research participants. The Data Access Compliance Office (DACO) was created as an independent body to review access requests for ICGC’s controlled data. Operational since July 2010, the DACO evaluates projects to ensure that they comply with the goals and policies of the ICGC. Over 1500 new applications submitted by scientists from more than 37 countries have been reviewed by the DACO in the past 11 years. The office’s procedures, the application process and the online submission system have evolved over the years to adapt to the increasing number of applications. 3. Eligible Project Guidelines Summary The DACO provides controlled access to public and private researchers (PIs) that apply for access and that access conditions are the same for both types of researchers. The application must be completed and submitted through the online submission system: Generally, qualification requirements for applicants are: Be an independent researcher affiliated with a legal entity (e.g. university professor, researcher in a private company, independent researchers able to apply for federal research grants, etc.) Have an institutional representative at your institution Have a scientific abstract outlining the desired use of the ICGC Controlled Data Have at least 3 relevant publications of which you were an author/co-author A project and its authorized users are approved for access to the data for 2 years, or sooner upon completion of a final report if a study ceases. If a user wishes to extend the term of the agreement they may do so by submitting a Renewal Application. Authorizations to access controlled data will be broad, so that authenticated users will get permission to obtain access to controlled data generated from all samples studied by any participating ICGC project. The application can be completed by the Principal Investigator of the project or someone from the research team who will be completing the application on behalf of the project's Principal Investigator. Detailed instructions for application requirements and user instructions can be found on the ICGC ARGO Documentation Data Access Page. 4. Data Access Review Committee Members The Data Access Committee consists of three to six individuals, including the Data Access Officer and other assistants independent of the DACO. The Committee members include individuals with expertise in computational Biology, Law, IT Security and Machine Learning. Meetings are held weekly to a scheduled agenda. 5. Ethical Approval ICGC ARGO bears no responsibility for ethical approval- maintaining appropriate ethical approval (if so required) is the responsibility of the PI. If Ethical approval is required in an applicant's jurisdiction, it must be current for the duration of the approved Data Access Period and adequately disclosed on the DACO application. Applicants should confirm requirements for ethical approval to use ICGC Controlled Data by contacting the relevant local institutional review board / research ethics committee (IRB/REC) to clarify the matter. 6. DACO Review Process Detailed application review procedures and instructions can be found on the ICGC ARGO Documentation Data Access Page. All decisions, except for approval, will be accompanied with a detailed justification. The objective is to standardize the review of submitted applications. Generally, DACO assesses applications across 3 Core components of the application, which consist of: Qualification of users: Confirming bonafide researchers with real and current affiliations, credible institutions and track records. Feasibility and scientific merit: clear descriptions of objectives, scientific rationale, planned outputs and how ICGC Controlled data will be used. Ethical considerations: Potential ethical issues and adherence to ICGC policies, including confirming the project poses minimal risk of re-identifying participants. 7. Data Access Approval Period The DACO approval expires after 2 years of access. A notification will be sent to the user 45 days before the application expires. If the project remains active, the user may wish to renew beyond the 2 years. The option to renew the application will be available 45 days before the application expires (and 90 days after it expires). The user may reopen the application, make any changes (if necessary) to their currently approved application before re-submitting it for renewal. A signed copy of the application must be sent to the DACO via the online application system. If a renewal is not received within 90 days of the application's expiry, it will be considered closed and access will be revoked. If there are no issues and/or the application remains the same as last year, the application should be approved for an additional two years. 8. DACO Reporting Requirements and Transparency The DACO office will report activities and metrics to the Management Committee on a monthly basis as per the DACO Monthly Report Template. Annually the office will report to the Executive Board upon instruction. A copy of the Annual report will be published on the ICGC ARGO website for public viewing. Data users will be published on the ICGC ARGO public website monthly. 9. Security Incidents and Data Breach Management of data security is detailed in the ICGC Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data (link). In addition, all users of ICGC data must familiarise themselves with the ICGC ARGO Data Breach Policy. All security incidents (even those not resulting in a data breach) must be reported without delay, where the incident will be investigated and managed as per the policy. 10. Administrative Access Nominated individuals within the ICGC community require administrative access for purposes of auditing, monitoring, ensuring compliance and quality control of data. Administrative access will require completion of a standard application and be governed by the same terms and conditions outlined in the Data Access Agreement. 11. Appeals Process All decisions (excluding approvals) are accompanied by detailed justification. Applicants may request a review of a rejection decision by emailing, quoting their name and application number, and associated details around the request for review. DACO will review appeals requests and provide a written response within 30 days of receiving the request. If further review is required, DACO may consult the Management Committee for further advice. 12. Sanctions Policy Failure to comply with terms and conditions of the Data Access Policies may result in access being removed or access terminated for any reason (including upon breach of the terms of the data access agreement). Failure to comply with these requirements may also carry financial or legal repercussions. Any misuse of controlled data is taken very seriously and other sanctions may apply including notification of organisations or other federal agencies. 13. Retention of Data DACO and its affiliates will retain data related to DACO applications and processing for 10 years in line with the purposes for data processing. If you would like to inquire about data held about you please contact 14. Requirement of Lay Summaries All applications to ICGC require an accompanying lay language summary of their research and proposed use of ICGC Controlled data. A lay Summary is simply the ability to convey the details and significance of research to non-experts. In the context of ICGC ARGO, a lay summary is an overview of a research project described in a way that can be easily understood by those without prior experience of the project or broader subject of cancer genomics. It is not a slight modification of the abstract or a simplification of the research; a well-written lay summary allows the public and broader scientific and clinical communities to understand the research and its goals, impact and applications. Lay summaries as one avenue to communicate with the broader community forms part of the fundamental principles of ICGC ARGO. We have a strategic commitment to public engagement and making data widely available beyond scientific publications and into the patient and public communities. Lay summaries are used within ICGC ARGO to: Support wider public engagement with ICGC ARGO research by increasing the visibility of ICGC related research Uphold core principles of responsibility and commitment; ensuring the benefits of ICGC ARGO research are tangible, recognized and valued by the communities we aim to benefit Encourage multidisciplinary work by helping other disciplines understand each other's research and work together Promote trust and transparency in the research process by robust governance processes communicating the use of ICGC ARGO data to the general public Foster a culture of data sharing and raise awareness of the duty to share data for societal benefit and value Increase the relevance, visibility and impact of ICGC research Reporting to the ICGC ARGO Executive Board and funding agencies Develop communication tools and assist in media relations. Conveying the significance of research to those outside their field is a challenge for many researchers. Therefore we have developed guidelines for researchers: How to Write a Lay Summary, which you can access here.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS00001006919 Other

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00007889777 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007889778 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889779 fastq.gz 43.4 GB
EGAF00007889780 fastq.gz 44.9 GB
EGAF00007889781 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007889782 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007889783 fastq.gz 43.2 GB
EGAF00007889784 fastq.gz 45.0 GB
EGAF00007889785 fastq.gz 28.4 GB
EGAF00007889786 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007889787 fastq.gz 43.7 GB
EGAF00007889788 fastq.gz 45.7 GB
EGAF00007889789 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00007889790 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007889791 fastq.gz 42.5 GB
EGAF00007889792 fastq.gz 44.4 GB
EGAF00007889793 fastq.gz 28.6 GB
EGAF00007889794 fastq.gz 29.7 GB
EGAF00007889795 fastq.gz 42.5 GB
EGAF00007889796 fastq.gz 43.9 GB
EGAF00007889797 fastq.gz 27.4 GB
EGAF00007889798 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007889799 fastq.gz 44.2 GB
EGAF00007889800 fastq.gz 45.8 GB
EGAF00007889801 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007889802 fastq.gz 31.4 GB
EGAF00007889803 fastq.gz 43.5 GB
EGAF00007889804 fastq.gz 45.3 GB
EGAF00007889805 fastq.gz 34.4 GB
EGAF00007889806 fastq.gz 35.8 GB
EGAF00007889809 fastq.gz 43.6 GB
EGAF00007889810 fastq.gz 44.8 GB
EGAF00007889811 fastq.gz 28.2 GB
EGAF00007889812 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007889813 fastq.gz 43.2 GB
EGAF00007889814 fastq.gz 45.1 GB
EGAF00007889815 fastq.gz 27.1 GB
EGAF00007889816 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007889817 fastq.gz 43.5 GB
EGAF00007889818 fastq.gz 45.3 GB
EGAF00007889819 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007889820 fastq.gz 30.0 GB
EGAF00007889821 fastq.gz 43.5 GB
EGAF00007889822 fastq.gz 45.6 GB
EGAF00007889823 fastq.gz 29.7 GB
EGAF00007889824 fastq.gz 30.9 GB
EGAF00007889827 fastq.gz 46.5 GB
EGAF00007889828 fastq.gz 48.6 GB
EGAF00007889829 fastq.gz 40.4 GB
EGAF00007889830 fastq.gz 41.9 GB
EGAF00007889833 fastq.gz 44.0 GB
EGAF00007889834 fastq.gz 45.1 GB
EGAF00007889835 fastq.gz 30.0 GB
EGAF00007889836 fastq.gz 31.0 GB
EGAF00007889839 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007889840 fastq.gz 44.1 GB
EGAF00007889841 fastq.gz 28.5 GB
EGAF00007889842 fastq.gz 29.9 GB
EGAF00007889843 fastq.gz 44.4 GB
EGAF00007889844 fastq.gz 46.2 GB
EGAF00007889845 fastq.gz 31.7 GB
EGAF00007889846 fastq.gz 33.3 GB
EGAF00007889849 fastq.gz 45.1 GB
EGAF00007889850 fastq.gz 47.1 GB
EGAF00007889851 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007889852 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007889853 fastq.gz 43.5 GB
EGAF00007889854 fastq.gz 45.2 GB
EGAF00007889855 fastq.gz 29.5 GB
EGAF00007889856 fastq.gz 30.9 GB
EGAF00007889857 fastq.gz 42.9 GB
EGAF00007889858 fastq.gz 44.3 GB
EGAF00007889859 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007889860 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007889861 fastq.gz 42.6 GB
EGAF00007889862 fastq.gz 44.2 GB
EGAF00007889863 fastq.gz 32.1 GB
EGAF00007889864 fastq.gz 33.5 GB
EGAF00007889867 fastq.gz 44.2 GB
EGAF00007889868 fastq.gz 45.7 GB
EGAF00007889869 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00007889870 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007889871 fastq.gz 43.3 GB
EGAF00007889872 fastq.gz 47.6 GB
EGAF00007889873 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007889874 fastq.gz 29.9 GB
EGAF00007889875 fastq.gz 42.9 GB
EGAF00007889876 fastq.gz 44.9 GB
EGAF00007889877 fastq.gz 27.9 GB
EGAF00007889878 fastq.gz 29.1 GB
EGAF00007889879 fastq.gz 41.7 GB
EGAF00007889880 fastq.gz 43.4 GB
EGAF00007889881 fastq.gz 28.1 GB
EGAF00007889882 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889883 fastq.gz 44.8 GB
EGAF00007889884 fastq.gz 46.6 GB
EGAF00007889885 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007889886 fastq.gz 30.6 GB
EGAF00007889887 fastq.gz 42.6 GB
EGAF00007889888 fastq.gz 44.2 GB
EGAF00007889889 fastq.gz 29.2 GB
EGAF00007889890 fastq.gz 30.6 GB
EGAF00007889891 fastq.gz 42.8 GB
EGAF00007889892 fastq.gz 45.6 GB
EGAF00007889893 fastq.gz 29.2 GB
EGAF00007889894 fastq.gz 30.5 GB
EGAF00007889895 fastq.gz 42.8 GB
EGAF00007889896 fastq.gz 44.1 GB
EGAF00007889897 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007889898 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889899 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007889900 fastq.gz 45.4 GB
EGAF00007889901 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007889902 fastq.gz 30.6 GB
EGAF00007889903 fastq.gz 42.0 GB
EGAF00007889904 fastq.gz 43.8 GB
EGAF00007889905 fastq.gz 32.4 GB
EGAF00007889906 fastq.gz 34.0 GB
EGAF00007889907 fastq.gz 45.2 GB
EGAF00007889908 fastq.gz 46.8 GB
EGAF00007889909 fastq.gz 27.3 GB
EGAF00007889910 fastq.gz 28.9 GB
EGAF00007889911 fastq.gz 42.6 GB
EGAF00007889912 fastq.gz 44.5 GB
EGAF00007889913 fastq.gz 32.3 GB
EGAF00007889914 fastq.gz 33.5 GB
EGAF00007889915 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007889916 fastq.gz 45.0 GB
EGAF00007889917 fastq.gz 28.5 GB
EGAF00007889918 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889921 fastq.gz 45.8 GB
EGAF00007889922 fastq.gz 47.7 GB
EGAF00007889923 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007889924 fastq.gz 31.2 GB
EGAF00007889925 fastq.gz 42.3 GB
EGAF00007889926 fastq.gz 44.5 GB
EGAF00007889927 fastq.gz 35.7 GB
EGAF00007889928 fastq.gz 37.2 GB
EGAF00007889929 fastq.gz 46.2 GB
EGAF00007889930 fastq.gz 48.4 GB
EGAF00007889931 fastq.gz 27.4 GB
EGAF00007889932 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007889933 fastq.gz 40.2 GB
EGAF00007889934 fastq.gz 41.7 GB
EGAF00007889935 fastq.gz 27.9 GB
EGAF00007889936 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889937 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007889938 fastq.gz 44.6 GB
EGAF00007889939 fastq.gz 29.2 GB
EGAF00007889940 fastq.gz 30.2 GB
EGAF00007889941 fastq.gz 40.7 GB
EGAF00007889942 fastq.gz 42.5 GB
EGAF00007889943 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007889944 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007889945 fastq.gz 42.4 GB
EGAF00007889946 fastq.gz 43.9 GB
EGAF00007889947 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007889948 fastq.gz 30.1 GB
EGAF00007889949 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007889950 fastq.gz 44.8 GB
EGAF00007889951 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007889952 fastq.gz 30.1 GB
EGAF00007889953 fastq.gz 43.3 GB
EGAF00007889954 fastq.gz 44.9 GB
EGAF00007889955 fastq.gz 31.4 GB
EGAF00007889956 fastq.gz 32.6 GB
EGAF00007889957 fastq.gz 44.3 GB
EGAF00007889958 fastq.gz 46.4 GB
EGAF00007889959 fastq.gz 29.8 GB
EGAF00007889960 fastq.gz 30.5 GB
EGAF00007889961 fastq.gz 44.1 GB
EGAF00007889962 fastq.gz 45.9 GB
EGAF00007889963 fastq.gz 30.5 GB
EGAF00007889964 fastq.gz 31.5 GB
EGAF00007889967 fastq.gz 45.7 GB
EGAF00007889968 fastq.gz 47.6 GB
EGAF00007889969 fastq.gz 30.1 GB
EGAF00007889970 fastq.gz 31.5 GB
EGAF00007889973 fastq.gz 40.2 GB
EGAF00007889974 fastq.gz 41.9 GB
EGAF00007889975 fastq.gz 28.5 GB
EGAF00007889976 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007889979 fastq.gz 39.9 GB
EGAF00007889980 fastq.gz 41.2 GB
EGAF00007889981 fastq.gz 31.7 GB
EGAF00007889982 fastq.gz 32.8 GB
EGAF00007889985 fastq.gz 44.8 GB
EGAF00007889986 fastq.gz 46.4 GB
EGAF00007889987 fastq.gz 31.1 GB
EGAF00007889988 fastq.gz 32.3 GB
EGAF00007889989 fastq.gz 44.5 GB
EGAF00007889990 fastq.gz 46.3 GB
EGAF00007889991 fastq.gz 30.8 GB
EGAF00007889992 fastq.gz 32.4 GB
EGAF00007889993 fastq.gz 42.0 GB
EGAF00007889994 fastq.gz 43.3 GB
EGAF00007889995 fastq.gz 30.4 GB
EGAF00007889996 fastq.gz 31.5 GB
EGAF00007889999 fastq.gz 44.6 GB
EGAF00007890000 fastq.gz 48.9 GB
EGAF00007890001 fastq.gz 28.4 GB
EGAF00007890002 fastq.gz 29.3 GB
EGAF00007890005 fastq.gz 41.2 GB
EGAF00007890006 fastq.gz 42.3 GB
EGAF00007890007 fastq.gz 26.9 GB
EGAF00007890008 fastq.gz 27.8 GB
EGAF00007890009 fastq.gz 45.4 GB
EGAF00007890010 fastq.gz 47.4 GB
EGAF00007890011 fastq.gz 33.5 GB
EGAF00007890012 fastq.gz 35.0 GB
EGAF00007890015 fastq.gz 45.4 GB
EGAF00007890016 fastq.gz 47.2 GB
EGAF00007890017 fastq.gz 29.3 GB
EGAF00007890018 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007890019 fastq.gz 37.6 GB
EGAF00007890020 fastq.gz 39.0 GB
EGAF00007890021 fastq.gz 34.8 GB
EGAF00007890022 fastq.gz 35.7 GB
EGAF00007890023 fastq.gz 45.5 GB
EGAF00007890024 fastq.gz 48.2 GB
EGAF00007890025 fastq.gz 29.7 GB
EGAF00007890026 fastq.gz 30.8 GB
EGAF00007890029 fastq.gz 47.0 GB
EGAF00007890030 fastq.gz 49.1 GB
EGAF00007890031 fastq.gz 28.0 GB
EGAF00007890032 fastq.gz 28.6 GB
EGAF00007890033 fastq.gz 39.7 GB
EGAF00007890034 fastq.gz 43.3 GB
EGAF00007890035 fastq.gz 31.1 GB
EGAF00007890036 fastq.gz 32.5 GB
EGAF00007890039 fastq.gz 44.5 GB
EGAF00007890040 fastq.gz 46.5 GB
EGAF00007890041 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007890042 fastq.gz 29.9 GB
EGAF00007890043 fastq.gz 40.7 GB
EGAF00007890044 fastq.gz 42.1 GB
EGAF00007890045 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007890046 fastq.gz 30.0 GB
EGAF00007890049 fastq.gz 39.9 GB
EGAF00007890050 fastq.gz 41.8 GB
EGAF00007890051 fastq.gz 28.0 GB
EGAF00007890052 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007890055 fastq.gz 39.4 GB
EGAF00007890056 fastq.gz 40.5 GB
EGAF00007890057 fastq.gz 28.4 GB
EGAF00007890058 fastq.gz 29.6 GB
EGAF00007890061 fastq.gz 39.7 GB
EGAF00007890062 fastq.gz 41.6 GB
EGAF00007890063 fastq.gz 28.0 GB
EGAF00007890064 fastq.gz 29.4 GB
EGAF00007890067 fastq.gz 38.8 GB
EGAF00007890068 fastq.gz 40.3 GB
EGAF00007890069 fastq.gz 27.3 GB
EGAF00007890070 fastq.gz 28.4 GB
EGAF00007890073 fastq.gz 39.2 GB
EGAF00007890074 fastq.gz 41.3 GB
EGAF00007890075 fastq.gz 27.6 GB
EGAF00007890076 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007890079 fastq.gz 38.7 GB
EGAF00007890080 fastq.gz 39.9 GB
EGAF00007890081 fastq.gz 27.3 GB
EGAF00007890082 fastq.gz 28.2 GB
EGAF00007890085 fastq.gz 39.5 GB
EGAF00007890086 fastq.gz 41.0 GB
EGAF00007890087 fastq.gz 27.3 GB
EGAF00007890088 fastq.gz 28.4 GB
EGAF00007890091 fastq.gz 39.2 GB
EGAF00007890092 fastq.gz 40.6 GB
EGAF00007890093 fastq.gz 27.5 GB
EGAF00007890094 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007890097 fastq.gz 40.0 GB
EGAF00007890098 fastq.gz 41.4 GB
EGAF00007890099 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00007890100 fastq.gz 29.1 GB
EGAF00007890103 fastq.gz 39.6 GB
EGAF00007890104 fastq.gz 40.9 GB
EGAF00007890105 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00007890106 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007890107 fastq.gz 39.5 GB
EGAF00007890108 fastq.gz 41.6 GB
EGAF00007890109 fastq.gz 27.7 GB
EGAF00007890110 fastq.gz 29.5 GB
EGAF00007890111 fastq.gz 39.9 GB
EGAF00007890112 fastq.gz 41.5 GB
EGAF00007890113 fastq.gz 27.5 GB
EGAF00007890114 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007890115 fastq.gz 40.0 GB
EGAF00007890116 fastq.gz 41.7 GB
EGAF00007890117 fastq.gz 29.3 GB
EGAF00007890118 fastq.gz 30.8 GB
EGAF00007890121 fastq.gz 44.0 GB
EGAF00007890122 fastq.gz 46.0 GB
EGAF00007890123 fastq.gz 29.1 GB
EGAF00007890124 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007890125 fastq.gz 43.2 GB
EGAF00007890126 fastq.gz 44.9 GB
EGAF00007890127 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007890128 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007890131 fastq.gz 43.4 GB
EGAF00007890132 fastq.gz 45.4 GB
EGAF00007890133 fastq.gz 30.3 GB
EGAF00007890134 fastq.gz 31.6 GB
EGAF00007890135 fastq.gz 42.5 GB
EGAF00007890136 fastq.gz 44.5 GB
EGAF00007890137 fastq.gz 27.1 GB
EGAF00007890138 fastq.gz 28.3 GB
EGAF00007890141 fastq.gz 43.5 GB
EGAF00007890142 fastq.gz 45.2 GB
EGAF00007890143 fastq.gz 30.6 GB
EGAF00007890144 fastq.gz 31.8 GB
EGAF00007890147 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007890148 fastq.gz 44.9 GB
EGAF00007890149 fastq.gz 25.8 GB
EGAF00007890150 fastq.gz 26.9 GB
EGAF00007890151 fastq.gz 39.3 GB
EGAF00007890152 fastq.gz 41.6 GB
EGAF00007890153 fastq.gz 28.9 GB
EGAF00007890154 fastq.gz 30.2 GB
EGAF00007890155 fastq.gz 43.0 GB
EGAF00007890156 fastq.gz 44.7 GB
EGAF00007890157 fastq.gz 27.8 GB
EGAF00007890158 fastq.gz 29.1 GB
EGAF00007890159 fastq.gz 42.5 GB
EGAF00007890160 fastq.gz 45.0 GB
EGAF00007890161 fastq.gz 28.0 GB
EGAF00007890162 fastq.gz 29.0 GB
EGAF00007890165 fastq.gz 38.8 GB
EGAF00007890166 fastq.gz 40.4 GB
EGAF00007890167 fastq.gz 28.7 GB
EGAF00007890168 fastq.gz 30.0 GB
EGAF00007890169 fastq.gz 40.8 GB
EGAF00007890170 fastq.gz 42.8 GB
EGAF00007890171 fastq.gz 28.8 GB
EGAF00007890172 fastq.gz 30.1 GB
EGAF00007890173 fastq.gz 38.9 GB
EGAF00007890174 fastq.gz 40.4 GB
EGAF00007890175 fastq.gz 27.1 GB
EGAF00007890176 fastq.gz 28.2 GB
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512 Files (18.7 TB)