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Alignment BAM files and gene count files of the Illumina Sequencing Data (10 tumor samples)

Reads were processed with the RNA-seq workflow 1.3.0 developed by the DKFZ Omics IT and Data Management Core Facility ( First, FASTQ reads were aligned via two-pass alignment using STAR 2.5.3a. The STAR index was generated from the 1000 Genomes assembly and GENCODE Version 19 gene models with a sjdbOverhang of 200. Duplicate marking of the resultant main alignment file was done with sambamba 0.6.5. Gene-specific read counting was performed using featureCounts (from Subread 1.5.1) over exon features based on GENCODE Version 19 gene models. Both reads of a paired fragment were used for counting, and the quality threshold was set to 255, indicating that STAR found a unique alignment. Strand-specific counting was also used. For RPKM and TPM calculations, all genes on chromosomes X and Y, the mitochondrial genome, as well as rRNA and tRNA genes were omitted as they are likely to introduce library size estimation biases.

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Data Transfer Agreement for the German Cancer Research Center

To request access to the dataset please start a Data Access Request via the EGA DAC Portal. You will receive a HIPO DACO Info Form to collect information about the request, which has to be filled and signed. Your request will be evaluated by the responsible Data Access Committee (DAC). As soon as a positive decision is made, you will be provided with a data transfer agreement (DTA). After the DTA has been fully signed, access to the requested data is granted.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS00001006317 Cancer Genomics

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00006211218 tsv 11.0 MB
EGAF00006211219 bam 74.2 GB
EGAF00006211220 tsv 11.2 MB
EGAF00006211221 bam 64.6 GB
EGAF00006211222 tsv 10.2 MB
EGAF00006211223 bam 11.2 GB
EGAF00006211224 tsv 10.4 MB
EGAF00006211225 bam 11.4 GB
EGAF00006211226 tsv 11.1 MB
EGAF00006211227 bam 57.1 GB
EGAF00006211228 tsv 9.9 MB
EGAF00006211229 bam 6.3 GB
EGAF00006211230 tsv 9.2 MB
EGAF00006211231 bam 8.9 GB
EGAF00006211232 tsv 10.1 MB
EGAF00006211233 bam 13.8 GB
EGAF00006211234 tsv 10.2 MB
EGAF00006211235 bam 8.3 GB
EGAF00006211236 tsv 10.1 MB
EGAF00006211237 bam 7.9 GB
EGAF00006211238 bai 6.2 MB
EGAF00006211239 bai 13.8 MB
EGAF00006211240 bai 13.9 MB
EGAF00006211241 bai 13.8 MB
EGAF00006211242 bai 6.5 MB
EGAF00006211243 bai 7.0 MB
EGAF00006211244 bai 5.9 MB
EGAF00006211245 bai 5.9 MB
EGAF00006211246 bai 4.7 MB
EGAF00006211247 bai 6.3 MB
30 Files (263.9 GB)