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IYDP Indonesian Y chromosome Diversity Project

The IYDP dataset includes BAM files of 126 Y chromosomes extracted from whole genome sequences. These are from individuals from a broad range of Indonesian islands - communities close to mainland Asia through to New Guinea. The original whole genome sequencing libraries were prepared using TruSeq DNA PCR-Free and TruSeq Nano DNA HT kits depending on DNA quantity. 150 bp paired-end sequencing was performed on the Illumina HiSeq X sequencer. Individuals were sequenced to expected mean depth of 30x, with an achieved median depth of raw reads across samples of 43x.

Request Access

The IYDP data is released for research purposes only. The IYDP dataset includes BAM files of 126 Y chromosomes extracted from whole genome sequences. These are from individuals from a broad range of Indonesian islands - communities close to mainland Asia through to New Guinea. Data access is granted by the IYDP Data Access committee and Data is released by European Genome-Phenome Archive.

Request to Indonesian Y chromosome Diversity Data Access Committee (IYDP) 1. All research projects must be approved by the IYDP DA committee. 2. Evidence of ethical approvals, including documentation from an Indonesian ethics body, may be necessary for approval to be granted in some cases. 3. In case of approval, signing the Data Access Policy 4.Data released through European Genome-Phenome Archive. Users must be formally affiliated with an officially recognized Institution The User cannot publicly release IYDP data, all rights regarding data release remain with the IYDP committee. The User cannot use IYDP data for for-profit purposes. The User can replicate existing studies published by the Indonesian Y Diversity Project (IYDP) The User cannot undertake studies of a medical or clinical nature without first seeking the approval of the IYDP committee. Evidence of specific ethical approvals, including documentation from an Indonesian ethics board, will likely be necessary for approval to be granted. All uses of the data must have specific prior approval from the IYDP committee A moratorium on publication until a given date may be a condition of data access and use in some cases. Full Data Access Policy:

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00005803898 1645057478498 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803899 1645071532754 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803900 1645086120799 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803901 1645057592387 985.2 MB
EGAF00005803902 1645086000429 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803903 1645086300150 969.6 MB
EGAF00005803904 1645085896255 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803905 1645071177634 202.2 MB
EGAF00005803906 1645058162133 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803907 1645057592387 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803908 1645071177634 207.3 MB
EGAF00005803909 1645057829212 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803910 1645071532754 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803911 1645057478498 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803912 1645071720675 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803913 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803914 1645071532754 695.1 MB
EGAF00005803915 1645100761639 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803916 1645071532754 975.1 MB
EGAF00005803917 1645086362025 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803918 1645085943855 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803919 1645071532754 804.3 MB
EGAF00005803920 1645058760607 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803921 1645071532754 884.7 MB
EGAF00005803922 1645086063900 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803923 1645071532754 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803924 1645071532754 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803925 1645085821449 208.8 MB
EGAF00005803926 1645100613762 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803927 1645072207724 788.0 MB
EGAF00005803928 1645058400827 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803929 1645057829212 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803930 1645059180136 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803931 1645071532754 992.8 MB
EGAF00005803932 1645071532754 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803933 1645071532754 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803934 1645057478498 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803935 1645057592387 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803936 1645071532754 1.0 GB
EGAF00005803937 1645086000429 880.9 MB
EGAF00005803938 1645072380829 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803939 1645085896255 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803940 1645086481195 1.6 GB
EGAF00005803941 1645071532754 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803942 1645072620447 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803943 1645100940141 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803944 1645072860573 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803945 1645057917103 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803946 1645071177634 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803947 1645085943855 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803948 1645085821449 620.2 MB
EGAF00005803949 1645071541664 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803950 1645057478498 193.3 MB
EGAF00005803951 1645085762819 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803952 1645059360584 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803953 1645086063900 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803954 1645071532754 774.2 MB
EGAF00005803955 1645071532754 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803956 1645057829212 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803957 1645114436164 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803958 1645058580408 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803959 1645058280841 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803960 1645086481195 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803961 1645085943855 1.5 GB
EGAF00005803962 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803963 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803964 1645071177634 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803965 1645057355010 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803966 1645071177635 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803967 1645085896255 964.6 MB
EGAF00005803968 1645057249274 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803969 1645057355010 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803970 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803971 1645071073467 182.8 MB
EGAF00005803972 1645057355010 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803973 1645057131397 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803974 1645071177634 201.9 MB
EGAF00005803975 1645071532754 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803976 1645057249274 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803977 1645071177634 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803978 1645072680746 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803979 1645086362025 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803980 1645071532754 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803981 1645101062881 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803982 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803983 1645085529098 628.0 MB
EGAF00005803984 1645057592387 1.4 GB
EGAF00005803985 1645071905014 933.5 MB
EGAF00005803986 1645057829212 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803987 1645058460325 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803988 1645058162133 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803989 1645086063900 1.1 GB
EGAF00005803990 1645086063900 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803991 1645058400826 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803992 1645057249274 211.0 MB
EGAF00005803993 1645086120799 1.3 GB
EGAF00005803994 1645057829212 806.9 MB
EGAF00005803995 1645086182351 949.6 MB
EGAF00005803996 1645085896255 867.6 MB
EGAF00005803997 1645057249274 202.2 MB
EGAF00005803998 1645086000429 1.2 GB
EGAF00005803999 1645085896255 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804000 1645073100790 1.2 GB
EGAF00005804001 1645086120799 1.4 GB
EGAF00005804002 1645057249274 1.3 GB
EGAF00005804003 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005804004 1645057355010 1.5 GB
EGAF00005804005 1645071532754 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804006 1645085762819 226.8 MB
EGAF00005804007 1645085762819 1.4 GB
EGAF00005804008 1645057478498 227.7 MB
EGAF00005804009 1645143161462 866.6 MB
EGAF00005804010 1645071532754 1.3 GB
EGAF00005804011 1645085896255 1.2 GB
EGAF00005804012 1645086000429 1.6 GB
EGAF00005804013 1645086421138 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804014 1645085599823 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804015 1645059120145 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804016 1645086120799 1.4 GB
EGAF00005804017 1645085896255 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804018 1645071541664 1.0 GB
EGAF00005804019 1645086063900 1.2 GB
EGAF00005804020 1645085821449 199.6 MB
EGAF00005804021 1645085943855 1.1 GB
EGAF00005804022 1645085460832 203.2 MB
EGAF00005804023 1645071720675 1.4 GB
126 Files (139.2 GB)