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Whole genome landscape of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma

Whole-genome sequence (WGS) data of tumor-normal pairs from 139 ATL patients and RNA sequence (RNA-seq) data of tumors from 28 ATL patients.

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Division of Molecular Oncology National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee DATA ACCESS AGREEMENT

Division of Molecular Oncology National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee DATA ACCESS AGREEMENT This Data Access Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the terms on which access will be granted to the sequence data generated by the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee. In signing this Agreement, the User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of access set out in this Agreement. For the sake of clarity, the terms of access set out in this Agreement apply both to the User and the User’s Institution (as defined below). User Institution and User are referred to within the Agreement as “You” and “Your” shall be construed accordingly. Definitions: Project team means Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan. Data means all sequence data set of patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, obtained from the Project team. User means a researcher whose User Institution has previously completed this Data Access Agreement and has received acknowledgement of its acceptance. Publications means, without limitation, articles published in print journals, electronic journals, reviews, books, posters and other written and verbal presentations of research. User Institution means the organisation at which the User is employed, affiliated or enrolled. Terms and Conditions: In signing this Agreement: 1. You agree to use the Data only for the advancement of medical research. 2. You agree not to use the Data or any part thereof for the creation of products for sale or for any commercial purpose. 3. You agree to preserve, at all times, the confidentiality of information and Data pertaining to Data Subjects. In particular, You undertake not to use, or attempt to use the Data to compromise or otherwise infringe the confidentiality of information on Data Subjects and their right to privacy. 4. You agree not to attempt to link the Data provided under this Agreement to other information or archive Data available for the data sets provided, even if access to that Data has been formally granted to You, or it is freely available without restriction, without specific permission being sought from the relevant access committees. 5. You agree not to transfer or disclose the Data, in whole or part, or any identifiable material derived from the Data, to others, except as necessary for data/safety monitoring or programme management. Should You wish to share the Data with a collaborator outside the same Institution, the third party must make a separate application for access to the Data. 6. You agree to use the Data for the approved purpose and project described in Your application; use of the Data for a new purpose or project will require a new application and approval. 7. A Data access account using a non-institutional email address is established if You agree to notify EGA and the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee within 30 days of any changes of, or departures from the institution specified in Your application. 8. You accept that Data will be reissued from time to time, with suitable versioning. If the reissue is at the request of sample donors and/or other ethical scrutiny, You will destroy earlier versions of the Data. 9. You agree to abide by the terms outlined in the Project team 'Publications Policy' as set out in Schedule 1. 10. You agree to acknowledge in any work based in whole or part on the Data, the published paper from which the Data derives, the version of the Data, and the role of the Project team. Suitable wording is provided in the Publications Policy given in Schedule 1. 11. You accept that the Project team, the original Data creators, depositors or copyright holders, or the funders of the Data or any part of the Data supplied: a) bear no legal responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the Data; and b) accept no liability for indirect, consequential, or incidental, damages or losses arising from use of the Data, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to, the Data for whatever reason. 12. You understand and acknowledge that the Data is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and that duplication, except as reasonably required to carry out Your research with the Data, or sale of all or part of the Data on any media is not permitted. 13. You recognise that nothing in this Agreement shall operate to transfer to You any intellectual property rights relating to the Data. You have the right to develop intellectual property based on comparisons with Your own data. 14. You agree not to make intellectual property claims on the Data and not to use intellectual property protection in ways that would prevent or block access to, or use of, any element of the Data, or conclusion drawn directly from the Data. 15. You can elect to perform further research that would add intellectual and resource capital to the Data and decide to obtain intellectual property rights on these downstream discoveries. In this case, You agree to implement licensing policies that will not obstruct further research, and follow the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s, Best Practices for the Licensing of Genomic Inventions or a similar national guideline that is in conformity with the OECD, Guidelines for the Licensing of the Genetic Inventions. 16. You agree to notify the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee in writing of any new intellectual property. You agree to, on request, provide a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee for their own research and educational uses. 17. You accept that this Agreement will terminate immediately upon any breach of this Agreement by You and You will be required to destroy any Data held. 18. You accept that it may be necessary for the Project team or its appointed agent to alter the terms of this Agreement from time to time in order to address new concerns. In this event, the Project team or its appointed agent will contact You to inform You of any changes and You agree that Your continued use of the Data shall be dependent on the parties entering into a new version of the Agreement. 19. Access to the Data is granted for a period of 2 years. Where it is necessary to extend the period of access, You agree to contact the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee, in advance of the expiry of the period of access. At the end of the period of access, You agree to destroy all copies of the Data, except as required by publication practices or law to retain them. 20. You agree that You will submit a report to the Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee, if requested, on completion of the agreed purpose. The Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee agrees to treat the report and all information, data, results, and conclusions contained within such report as confidential information belonging to You. 21. You accept that the Data is protected by and subject to international laws and that You are responsible for ensuring compliance with any such applicable law. The Division of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Center Research Institute Data Access Committee reserves the right to request and inspect data security and management documentation to ensure the adequacy of data protection measures in countries that have no national laws comparable to that which pertain in Japan. 22. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted under the laws of Japan. All dispute pertaining to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan for the first instance.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00005497191 1633417769746 4.3 GB
EGAF00005497192 1633417812538 3.7 GB
EGAF00005497193 1633417769745 4.1 GB
EGAF00005497194 1633417769746 4.3 GB
EGAF00005497195 1633417812538 4.1 GB
EGAF00005497196 1633417953361 5.8 GB
EGAF00005497197 1633418020118 7.0 GB
EGAF00005497198 1633418020118 5.5 GB
EGAF00005497199 1633417953361 5.8 GB
EGAF00005497200 1633417812538 3.8 GB
EGAF00005497201 1633417812538 3.4 GB
EGAF00005497202 1633417769745 3.6 GB
EGAF00005497203 1633417769744 3.8 GB
EGAF00005497204 1633417953361 5.2 GB
EGAF00005497205 1633417769745 4.0 GB
EGAF00005497206 1633417812538 3.9 GB
EGAF00005497207 1633417891036 4.5 GB
EGAF00005497208 1633417891036 5.0 GB
EGAF00005497209 1633417891036 5.2 GB
EGAF00005497210 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF00005497211 1633417953361 4.7 GB
EGAF00005497212 1633417769745 4.6 GB
EGAF00005497213 1633417953361 5.5 GB
EGAF00005497214 1633418080371 4.0 GB
EGAF00005497215 1633417891036 4.5 GB
EGAF00005498561 1633539704175 69.0 GB
EGAF00005498582 1633565379012 76.5 GB
EGAF00005498583 1633557167173 70.4 GB
EGAF00005498584 1633542529781 100.3 GB
EGAF00005498585 1633549135964 83.3 GB
EGAF00005498586 1633528237589 64.9 GB
EGAF00005498587 1633566579797 67.3 GB
EGAF00005498588 1633551158856 73.2 GB
EGAF00005498589 1633544680447 64.3 GB
EGAF00005498590 1633549259369 65.7 GB
EGAF00005498592 1633546360277 78.0 GB
EGAF00005498593 1633562627775 77.8 GB
EGAF00005498594 1633539704175 62.7 GB
EGAF00005498595 1633547585593 70.0 GB
EGAF00005498596 1633559680459 71.6 GB
EGAF00005498597 1633568316406 81.3 GB
EGAF00005498598 1633561146634 84.5 GB
EGAF00005498599 1633563941502 70.0 GB
EGAF00005498600 1633528716471 76.4 GB
EGAF00005498601 1633543451103 84.4 GB
EGAF00005498603 1633551763578 76.0 GB
EGAF00005498604 1633541049195 72.7 GB
EGAF00005498776 1633537058089 46.2 GB
EGAF00005498777 1633535080795 53.1 GB
EGAF00005498778 1633558363343 50.5 GB
EGAF00005498779 1633553242384 49.8 GB
EGAF00005498780 1633566241548 82.7 GB
EGAF00005498781 1633534744475 39.8 GB
EGAF00005498782 1633526183117 49.0 GB
EGAF00005498783 1633544442705 43.3 GB
EGAF00005498784 1633573830848 109.2 GB
EGAF00005498785 1633518906658 48.2 GB
EGAF00005498786 1633546003421 43.5 GB
EGAF00005498787 1633525758664 50.9 GB
EGAF00005498788 1633541203604 63.0 GB
EGAF00005498789 1633541578823 37.6 GB
EGAF00005498790 1633539348618 41.2 GB
EGAF00005498791 1633533059667 51.1 GB
EGAF00005498792 1633540544063 50.5 GB
EGAF00005498793 1633521879692 52.5 GB
EGAF00005498794 1633518144498 39.8 GB
EGAF00005498795 1633557646659 44.3 GB
EGAF00005498796 1633536702203 53.3 GB
EGAF00005498797 1633566820530 52.8 GB
EGAF00005498798 1633510008424 43.4 GB
EGAF00005498799 1633550090281 51.3 GB
EGAF00005498800 1633552616218 52.5 GB
EGAF00005498801 1633533059667 49.7 GB
EGAF00005498802 1633544680447 46.0 GB
EGAF00005498803 1633558720088 49.5 GB
EGAF00005498804 1633536822077 42.3 GB
EGAF00005498805 1633533059667 54.6 GB
EGAF00005498806 1633511259384 35.9 GB
EGAF00005498807 1633517813076 42.6 GB
EGAF00005498808 1633550090281 46.0 GB
EGAF00005498809 1633527155874 41.3 GB
EGAF00005498810 1633527277555 46.3 GB
EGAF00005498811 1633504627320 40.5 GB
EGAF00005498812 1633518364519 47.2 GB
EGAF00005498813 1633527396881 52.1 GB
EGAF00005498814 1633533059667 46.7 GB
EGAF00005498815 1633511645882 66.4 GB
EGAF00005498816 1633535679703 50.9 GB
EGAF00005498817 1633540197434 48.7 GB
EGAF00005498818 1633561893560 57.0 GB
EGAF00005498819 1633521322508 44.5 GB
EGAF00005498820 1633560407655 48.0 GB
EGAF00005498821 1633533059667 47.9 GB
EGAF00005498822 1633515412563 48.2 GB
EGAF00005498823 1633520170084 43.7 GB
EGAF00005498824 1633540925919 55.6 GB
EGAF00005498825 1633533519255 48.9 GB
EGAF00005498826 1633533059667 48.2 GB
EGAF00005498827 1633533059667 45.3 GB
EGAF00005498828 1633562627775 54.1 GB
EGAF00005498829 1633563468565 44.8 GB
EGAF00005498830 1633523933792 40.6 GB
EGAF00005498831 1633546360277 47.9 GB
EGAF00005498832 1633554376015 50.3 GB
EGAF00005498833 1633507966926 54.3 GB
EGAF00005498834 1633576886380 104.7 GB
EGAF00005498835 1633571256631 61.2 GB
EGAF00005498836 1633563468565 75.5 GB
EGAF00005498837 1633533519255 75.0 GB
EGAF00005498838 1633568544560 99.9 GB
EGAF00005498839 1633571499991 107.3 GB
EGAF00005498840 1633520170084 78.7 GB
EGAF00005498841 1633533059667 44.4 GB
EGAF00005498842 1633510504998 40.8 GB
EGAF00005498843 1633517273792 46.6 GB
EGAF00005498844 1633519211712 45.2 GB
EGAF00005498845 1633553696693 47.0 GB
EGAF00005498846 1633510623955 38.4 GB
EGAF00005498847 1633562501283 52.7 GB
EGAF00005498848 1633555732666 77.7 GB
EGAF00005498849 1633571015289 56.8 GB
EGAF00005498850 1633505946267 61.7 GB
EGAF00005498851 1633566579797 68.2 GB
EGAF00005498852 1633533059667 87.9 GB
EGAF00005498853 1633527038573 43.3 GB
EGAF00005498854 1633535679703 39.3 GB
EGAF00005498855 1633543256205 42.3 GB
EGAF00005498856 1633555990651 78.4 GB
EGAF00005498857 1633526183117 61.3 GB
EGAF00005498858 1633549135964 52.7 GB
EGAF00005498859 1633521322508 46.4 GB
EGAF00005498860 1633518144498 47.2 GB
EGAF00005498861 1633522845335 47.8 GB
EGAF00005498862 1633556522151 54.6 GB
EGAF00005498863 1633520407292 42.4 GB
EGAF00005498864 1633509664901 45.2 GB
EGAF00005498865 1633534504613 43.7 GB
EGAF00005498866 1633536702203 54.5 GB
EGAF00005498867 1633564538995 53.2 GB
EGAF00005498868 1633549610546 41.0 GB
EGAF00005498869 1633554049068 57.8 GB
EGAF00005498870 1633539704175 42.5 GB
EGAF00005498871 1633513675112 48.1 GB
EGAF00005498872 1633544563935 45.5 GB
EGAF00005498873 1633518144498 43.9 GB
EGAF00005498874 1633561128931 42.9 GB
EGAF00005498875 1633538262342 55.2 GB
EGAF00005498876 1633508457614 45.2 GB
EGAF00005498877 1633511206761 42.5 GB
EGAF00005498878 1633505525621 49.2 GB
EGAF00005498879 1633568544560 36.4 GB
EGAF00005498880 1633540197434 33.7 GB
EGAF00005498881 1633517154845 45.3 GB
EGAF00005498882 1633540085517 34.6 GB
EGAF00005498883 1633533059667 78.0 GB
EGAF00005498884 1633546360277 40.7 GB
EGAF00005498885 1633533059667 51.4 GB
EGAF00005498886 1633523933792 33.9 GB
EGAF00005498887 1633510008424 32.7 GB
EGAF00005498888 1633542424843 39.0 GB
EGAF00005498889 1633537658683 65.2 GB
EGAF00005498890 1633525619676 34.1 GB
EGAF00005498891 1633544800501 43.4 GB
EGAF00005498892 1633541203604 55.5 GB
EGAF00005501801 1633583772572 5.0 GB
EGAF00005501802 1633583536519 5.5 GB
EGAF00005501803 1633583536519 6.0 GB
EGAF00005555862 1634040407319 99.1 GB
EGAF00005555863 1634037840394 104.5 GB
EGAF00005555864 1634040600524 116.3 GB
EGAF00005555865 1634034379499 105.4 GB
EGAF00005555866 1634045220408 118.7 GB
EGAF00005555867 1634046720205 110.7 GB
EGAF00005555868 1634053980294 112.4 GB
EGAF00005555869 1634040407319 126.7 GB
EGAF00005555870 1634060340062 110.6 GB
EGAF00005555871 1634047408228 122.3 GB
EGAF00005555872 1634045220408 113.2 GB
EGAF00005555873 1634042040385 110.4 GB
EGAF00005555874 1634036606307 110.4 GB
EGAF00005555875 1634043480218 106.7 GB
EGAF00005555876 1634058360224 100.7 GB
EGAF00005555877 1634051083109 141.3 GB
EGAF00005555878 1634065140349 138.7 GB
EGAF00005555879 1634050020476 99.8 GB
EGAF00005555880 1634036173461 121.7 GB
EGAF00005555881 1634068200057 124.7 GB
EGAF00005555882 1634056920295 114.7 GB
EGAF00005555883 1634061360083 129.5 GB
EGAF00005555884 1634063100111 122.5 GB
EGAF00005555885 1634059140501 110.2 GB
EGAF00005555886 1634038860434 107.8 GB
EGAF00005555887 1634050561343 109.6 GB
EGAF00005555888 1634041680732 132.7 GB
EGAF00005555889 1634060400076 110.6 GB
EGAF00005555890 1634059200161 110.6 GB
EGAF00005555891 1634059140501 109.7 GB
EGAF00005555892 1634045220408 111.1 GB
EGAF00005555893 1634052420308 109.0 GB
EGAF00005555894 1634038740256 110.2 GB
EGAF00005555895 1634046000164 108.9 GB
EGAF00005555896 1634041200844 109.1 GB
EGAF00005555897 1634040407319 132.1 GB
EGAF00005555898 1634063460168 136.6 GB
EGAF00005555899 1634047020377 124.3 GB
EGAF00005555900 1634041740224 126.4 GB
EGAF00005555901 1634069460121 136.5 GB
EGAF00005555902 1634051460200 139.4 GB
EGAF00005555903 1634062140127 124.5 GB
EGAF00005555904 1634041200844 121.0 GB
EGAF00005555905 1634059260103 125.2 GB
EGAF00005555906 1634038921319 129.8 GB
EGAF00005555907 1634051340363 136.6 GB
EGAF00005555908 1634064240134 123.0 GB
EGAF00005555909 1634044800410 128.2 GB
EGAF00005555910 1634041440959 125.4 GB
EGAF00005555911 1634058281217 129.6 GB
EGAF00005558936 1634361121069 164.2 GB
EGAF00005558937 1634437020386 177.1 GB
EGAF00005558938 1634504974371 138.0 GB
EGAF00005558939 1634441100699 175.9 GB
EGAF00005558940 1634473320971 135.0 GB
EGAF00005558941 1634411381963 137.5 GB
EGAF00005558942 1634459041634 141.4 GB
EGAF00005558943 1634448660510 162.8 GB
EGAF00005558944 1634489221156 139.0 GB
EGAF00005558945 1634477220592 118.0 GB
EGAF00005558946 1634412553232 120.9 GB
EGAF00005558947 1634457480446 119.2 GB
EGAF00005558948 1634428740573 126.3 GB
EGAF00005558949 1634473980790 124.6 GB
EGAF00005558950 1634427183648 121.7 GB
EGAF00005558951 1634489221156 121.5 GB
EGAF00005558952 1634488262986 130.0 GB
EGAF00005558953 1634493126713 146.8 GB
EGAF00005558954 1634503502023 124.6 GB
EGAF00005558955 1634351701521 145.5 GB
EGAF00005558956 1634455320885 175.5 GB
EGAF00005558957 1634525580156 150.2 GB
EGAF00005558958 1634429880768 136.1 GB
EGAF00005558959 1634435700423 133.1 GB
EGAF00005558960 1634453163263 116.4 GB
EGAF00005558961 1634488020815 121.2 GB
EGAF00005558962 1634510100866 154.6 GB
EGAF00005558963 1634473980790 123.7 GB
EGAF00005558964 1634378880149 108.1 GB
EGAF00005558965 1634455680516 100.1 GB
EGAF00005558966 1634457300897 101.4 GB
EGAF00005558967 1634331241566 92.6 GB
EGAF00005558968 1634495040904 99.2 GB
EGAF00005558969 1634349870304 111.2 GB
EGAF00005558970 1634405640287 82.4 GB
EGAF00005558971 1634370840195 82.5 GB
EGAF00005558972 1634446023877 86.8 GB
EGAF00005558973 1634411381963 97.3 GB
EGAF00005558974 1634422561201 100.7 GB
EGAF00005558975 1634442420834 79.0 GB
EGAF00005558976 1634437020386 89.3 GB
EGAF00005558977 1634428320629 100.7 GB
EGAF00005558978 1634326140179 92.7 GB
EGAF00005558979 1634445720552 91.1 GB
EGAF00005558980 1634460240815 78.6 GB
EGAF00005558981 1634458860994 90.3 GB
EGAF00005558982 1634436446988 96.6 GB
EGAF00005558983 1634407560455 91.9 GB
EGAF00005558984 1634407980423 95.7 GB
EGAF00005560645 1634553540165 123.0 GB
EGAF00005560646 1634541840435 116.9 GB
EGAF00005560647 1634534940190 165.2 GB
EGAF00005560648 1634552760094 134.0 GB
EGAF00005560649 1634556360471 146.1 GB
EGAF00005560650 1634535300151 122.0 GB
EGAF00005560651 1634549340084 118.8 GB
EGAF00005560652 1634538480058 121.3 GB
EGAF00005560653 1634541060106 112.5 GB
EGAF00005560654 1634534640127 100.6 GB
EGAF00005560655 1634538000766 127.0 GB
EGAF00005560656 1634549160095 110.2 GB
EGAF00005560657 1634534100153 128.4 GB
EGAF00005560658 1634553240051 135.1 GB
EGAF00005560659 1634554440139 133.1 GB
EGAF00005560660 1634542560310 121.6 GB
EGAF00005560661 1634549700115 109.1 GB
EGAF00005560662 1634550960028 119.2 GB
EGAF00005560663 1634534940190 115.7 GB
EGAF00005560664 1634548085328 123.8 GB
EGAF00005560665 1634542440299 122.9 GB
EGAF00005560666 1634543940059 125.3 GB
EGAF00005560667 1634533353569 111.7 GB
EGAF00005560668 1634541360812 135.4 GB
EGAF00005560669 1634552880059 120.1 GB
EGAF00005560670 1634537640190 106.9 GB
EGAF00005560671 1634547180110 131.4 GB
EGAF00005560672 1634536440143 110.1 GB
EGAF00005560673 1634539680578 136.3 GB
EGAF00005560674 1634543700670 130.0 GB
EGAF00005560675 1634535780087 128.7 GB
EGAF00005560676 1634551080067 145.4 GB
EGAF00005560677 1634553840244 143.2 GB
EGAF00005560678 1634556240093 127.0 GB
EGAF00005560679 1634546700155 155.8 GB
EGAF00005560680 1634548140079 100.5 GB
EGAF00005560681 1634535720109 133.2 GB
EGAF00005560682 1634541961561 168.2 GB
EGAF00005566568 1634738555606 111.6 GB
EGAF00005566569 1634737140121 111.0 GB
306 Files (24.6 TB)