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Single-cell RNA-sequencing reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevetlopmental hierarchy

10xGenomics single-cell RNA sequencing of glioblastoma patient tumor

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Data Access Policy for Single-Cell RNA sequencing data of Giloblostoma patients tumor.

Data availability and access Where can I get the data? Our data is available both from the EGA sequence archives. Aligned sequence data (Bam files) is archived with the EGA. Access is available upon successful application to the DAC. Our EGA Study page reports datasets that can be obtained from the EGA following an application to the DAC. This list is accessible here: Acknowledgement and citation of Data Manuscripts, Posters and Presentations We ask that all use of data, be acknowledged as follows in the methods section of manuscripts, if possible, or elsewhere in the main text of the manuscript: This research used data shared by the Petrecca Lab, and it is available from the European Genome-phenome Archive of the European Bioinformatics Institute (accession numbers: study EGAS00001004422 and dataset(s) EGAD00...). Please also cite the source of the data in any manuscript based on its analysis, as follows: C. P. Couturier, S. Ayyadhury, P. U. Le, J. Monlong, G. Riva, R. Allache, S. Baig, X. Yan, M. Bourgey, J. Nadaf, C. Lee, Y. C. D. Wang, V. W. Yong, M-C. Guiot, H. Najafabadi, B. Misic, J. Antel, G. Bourque, J. Ragoussis, K. Petrecca, Single-cell RNA-seq reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevelopmental hierarchy. Nature Communications. Accessing the aligned sequence data (controlled access data) To protect the interests of research participants, datasets are only available to researchers after an application for access has been approved by a ‘Data Access Committee’. This data is called ‘controlled access’ data and approved researchers must agree to specific conditions for using it such as keeping it secure and only using it for approved purposes. Controlled access datasets are archived at the EGA (the European Genome-phenome Archive). The Data Access Committee will review requests for access to controlled access data stored at the EGA. To apply for access to this controlled access data, please send a request by e-mail to phuong.u.le (at) You will be asked to provide the following details: • The principal applicant’s name, title, position, affiliation, email address, institutional website and mailing address. • The name, title, position, affiliation, email address and mailing address of the applicant’s institutional representative. • The name, title, position, affiliation, and email address of any personnel or students who need access to the data. • Any other information needed for unique authentication of the applicant, personnel and students. • A scientific abstract providing a brief (500 words or less) overview of the research to be carried out, including the proposed uses of the data requested. • A letter of ethics approval if required by the applicant’s country or home institution.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00004041214 bam 31.3 GB
EGAF00004041215 bam 33.3 GB
EGAF00004041216 bam 36.9 GB
EGAF00004041217 bam 36.4 GB
EGAF00004041218 bam 43.1 GB
EGAF00004041219 bam 37.6 GB
EGAF00004041220 bam 36.3 GB
EGAF00004041221 bam 24.6 GB
EGAF00004041222 bam 33.4 GB
EGAF00004041223 bam 36.9 GB
EGAF00004041224 bam 31.1 GB
EGAF00004041225 bam 32.0 GB
EGAF00004041226 bam 32.8 GB
EGAF00004041227 bam 64.0 GB
EGAF00004041228 bam 35.2 GB
EGAF00004041229 bam 66.1 GB
EGAF00004041230 bam 33.0 GB
EGAF00004041231 bam 42.1 GB
EGAF00004041756 bam 33.1 GB
EGAF00004041757 bam 39.1 GB
EGAF00004041758 bam 34.1 GB
EGAF00004041759 bam 33.1 GB
EGAF00004041760 bam 35.2 GB
EGAF00004041761 bam 33.6 GB
EGAF00004041762 bam 31.3 GB
EGAF00004041763 bam 32.7 GB
EGAF00004041764 bam 34.4 GB
EGAF00004041765 bam 32.4 GB
EGAF00004041766 bam 39.2 GB
EGAF00005097173 bam 34.3 GB
30 Files (1.1 TB)