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Whole-transcriptome sequencing of MPN patients and controls.

This dataset contains whole-transcriptome sequencing data of 113 myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) patients and 15 controls. Patients were diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, primary myelofibrosis, and secondary acute myeloid leukemia. The data were pooled from 5 different sequencing experiments as indicated using an Illumina HiSeq2000 machine. All samples were sequenced paired-end. Sequenced samples were processed with custom workflows for discovery of fusion genes, SNVs and Indels calling, and identification of splicing abnormalities.

Request Access

This agreement governs the terms on which access will be granted on the transcriptome sequence data that have been generated in the transcriptome study of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNtranscriptome). These data are provided by the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Medical University of Vienna. They are made available through the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA). In signing this agreement, You are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of access set out in this agreement. The terms of access set out in this agreement apply both to the User and the User’s Institution (as defined below). User Institution and User are referred to within the agreement as “You” and “Your”.

Definitions: * Data means all and any human genetic data (including genome, epigenome, transcriptome, and other large-scale data types and derived data) and phenotype data obtained from the EGA. * Data Subject means a person whose data is being shared with informed consent / ethical approval by the relevant ethics commission or institutional review board. * Data Provider means the CeMM Research Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as the Medical University of Vienna. * EGA means the European Genome-phenome Archive, a permanent archive of controlled access data generated for biomedical research and deposited to enable data sharing. The EGA is described on the website * User means a researcher whose User Institution has previously completed this Data Access Agreement and has received acknowledgement of its acceptance. * User Institution means the organisation at which the User is employed, affiliated or enrolled. Terms and Conditions: In signing this Agreement: 1. You agree to use the Data only for research in the areas of biology and medicine. 2. You agree to preserve, at all times, the confidentiality of information and Data pertaining to Data Subjects. In particular, You undertake not to use, or attempt to use the Data to compromise or otherwise infringe the confidentiality of information on Data Subjects and their right to privacy 3. You agree not to transfer or disclose the Data, in whole or part, or any identifiable material derived from the Data, to others, except as necessary for data/safety monitoring or programme management. Should You wish to share the Data with a collaborator outside the same Institution, the third party must make a separate application for access to the Data. 4. You agree to use the data for the approved purpose and project described in your application; use of the data for a new purpose or project will require a new application and a new approval. 5. You accept that the providers and the funders of the Data or any part of the Data: a. bear no legal responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the Data; and b. accept no liability for indirect, consequential, or incidental, damages or losses arising from use of the Data, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to, the Data for whatever reason. 6. You understand that duplication, except as reasonably required to carry out Your research with the Data, or sale of all or part of the Data on any media may not be permitted. 7. You accept that this agreement will terminate immediately upon any breach of this agreement by You. Upon termination You will be required to promptly destroy any Data held. 8. You accept that it may be necessary for the Data Provider or its appointed agents to alter the terms of this agreement from time to time in order to address new concerns. In this event, the EGA or its appointed agent will contact You to inform You of any changes and You agree that Your continued use of the Data shall be dependent on the parties entering into a new version of the Agreement. 9. You accept that the Data may be protected by and subject to laws and regulations, including but not limited to applicable laws on the protection of personal data, and that You are responsible for ensuring compliance with any such applicable law. You undertake to implement or have implemented adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect the Data.

Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00002390717 bam 8.0 GB
EGAF00002390718 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390719 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390720 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390721 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390722 bam 4.6 GB
EGAF00002390723 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390724 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390725 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390726 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390727 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390728 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390729 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390730 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390731 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390732 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390733 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390734 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390735 bam 4.6 GB
EGAF00002390736 bam 6.0 GB
EGAF00002390737 bam 6.8 GB
EGAF00002390738 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390739 bam 5.9 GB
EGAF00002390740 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390741 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390742 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390743 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390744 bam 4.6 GB
EGAF00002390745 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390746 bam 7.9 GB
EGAF00002390747 bam 4.6 GB
EGAF00002390748 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390749 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390750 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390751 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390752 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390753 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390754 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF00002390755 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390756 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390757 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390758 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390759 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390760 bam 5.9 GB
EGAF00002390761 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390762 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390763 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390764 bam 3.1 GB
EGAF00002390765 bam 3.4 GB
EGAF00002390766 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390767 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390768 bam 6.7 GB
EGAF00002390769 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390770 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390771 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390772 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390773 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390774 bam 6.4 GB
EGAF00002390775 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390776 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390777 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390778 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390779 bam 6.5 GB
EGAF00002390780 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390781 bam 3.7 GB
EGAF00002390782 bam 3.8 GB
EGAF00002390783 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390784 bam 3.8 GB
EGAF00002390785 bam 10.3 GB
EGAF00002390786 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390787 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390788 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390789 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390790 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF00002390791 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390792 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390793 bam 7.3 GB
EGAF00002390794 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390795 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390796 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390797 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390798 bam 4.7 GB
EGAF00002390799 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390800 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390801 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390802 bam 5.0 GB
EGAF00002390803 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390804 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390805 bam 3.2 GB
EGAF00002390806 bam 3.8 GB
EGAF00002390807 bam 3.1 GB
EGAF00002390808 bam 7.1 GB
EGAF00002390809 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390810 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390811 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390812 bam 5.0 GB
EGAF00002390813 bam 5.9 GB
EGAF00002390814 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390815 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390816 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390817 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390818 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390819 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390820 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390821 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390822 bam 6.0 GB
EGAF00002390823 bam 7.6 GB
EGAF00002390824 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390825 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390826 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390827 bam 4.6 GB
EGAF00002390828 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390829 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390830 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390831 bam 5.0 GB
EGAF00002390832 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390833 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390834 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390835 bam 6.0 GB
EGAF00002390836 bam 7.2 GB
EGAF00002390837 bam 4.7 GB
EGAF00002390838 bam 6.2 GB
EGAF00002390839 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390840 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390841 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390842 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390843 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390844 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390845 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390846 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390847 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390848 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390849 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390850 bam 6.0 GB
EGAF00002390851 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390852 bam 8.8 GB
EGAF00002390853 bam 6.6 GB
EGAF00002390854 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390855 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390856 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390857 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390858 bam 3.6 GB
EGAF00002390859 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390860 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390861 bam 7.9 GB
EGAF00002390862 bam 7.3 GB
EGAF00002390863 bam 4.7 GB
EGAF00002390864 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390865 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390866 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390867 bam 5.7 GB
EGAF00002390868 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390869 bam 6.3 GB
EGAF00002390870 bam 7.3 GB
EGAF00002390871 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390872 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390873 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390874 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390875 bam 4.7 GB
EGAF00002390876 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390877 bam 3.8 GB
EGAF00002390878 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390879 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390880 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390881 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390882 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390883 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390884 bam 4.7 GB
EGAF00002390885 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390886 bam 11.4 GB
EGAF00002390887 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390888 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390889 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390890 bam 5.0 GB
EGAF00002390891 bam 5.8 GB
EGAF00002390892 bam 7.6 GB
EGAF00002390893 bam 6.0 GB
EGAF00002390894 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390895 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390896 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390897 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390898 bam 4.3 GB
EGAF00002390899 bam 6.4 GB
EGAF00002390900 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390901 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390902 bam 7.2 GB
EGAF00002390903 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390904 bam 8.6 GB
EGAF00002390905 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF00002390906 bam 7.7 GB
EGAF00002390907 bam 4.9 GB
EGAF00002390908 bam 6.1 GB
EGAF00002390909 bam 5.9 GB
EGAF00002390910 bam 5.5 GB
EGAF00002390911 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390912 bam 5.4 GB
EGAF00002390913 bam 5.6 GB
EGAF00002390914 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390915 bam 5.3 GB
EGAF00002390916 bam 4.8 GB
EGAF00002390917 bam 5.2 GB
EGAF00002390918 bam 5.1 GB
EGAF00002390919 bam 4.5 GB
EGAF00002390920 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390921 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390922 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390923 bam 3.7 GB
EGAF00002390924 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390925 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390926 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390927 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390928 bam 3.3 GB
EGAF00002390929 bam 3.4 GB
EGAF00002390930 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390931 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390932 bam 4.4 GB
EGAF00002390933 bam 3.7 GB
EGAF00002390934 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390935 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390936 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390937 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390938 bam 3.3 GB
EGAF00002390939 bam 3.4 GB
EGAF00002390940 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390941 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390942 bam 3.0 GB
EGAF00002390943 bam 2.7 GB
EGAF00002390944 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390945 bam 2.8 GB
EGAF00002390946 bam 2.8 GB
EGAF00002390947 bam 4.0 GB
EGAF00002390948 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390949 bam 3.0 GB
EGAF00002390950 bam 2.7 GB
EGAF00002390951 bam 3.5 GB
EGAF00002390952 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390953 bam 2.8 GB
EGAF00002390954 bam 3.7 GB
EGAF00002390955 bam 4.1 GB
EGAF00002390956 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390957 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390958 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390959 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390960 bam 3.7 GB
EGAF00002390961 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390962 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390963 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390964 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390965 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390966 bam 1.4 GB
EGAF00002390967 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00002390968 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00002390969 bam 2.0 GB
EGAF00002390970 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00002390971 bam 3.0 GB
EGAF00002390972 bam 2.0 GB
EGAF00002390973 bam 1.6 GB
EGAF00002390974 bam 1.7 GB
EGAF00002390975 bam 2.0 GB
EGAF00002390976 bam 3.1 GB
EGAF00002390977 bam 2.4 GB
EGAF00002390978 bam 2.8 GB
EGAF00002390979 bam 2.4 GB
EGAF00002390980 bam 4.2 GB
EGAF00002390981 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390982 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00002390983 bam 2.4 GB
EGAF00002390984 bam 1.8 GB
EGAF00002390985 bam 2.9 GB
EGAF00002390986 bam 2.3 GB
EGAF00002390987 bam 2.6 GB
EGAF00002390988 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00002390989 bam 3.9 GB
EGAF00002390990 bam 2.7 GB
EGAF00002390991 bam 2.0 GB
EGAF00002390992 bam 2.2 GB
EGAF00002390993 bam 8.3 GB
EGAF00002390994 bam 8.1 GB
EGAF00002390995 bam 6.3 GB
EGAF00002390996 bam 9.4 GB
EGAF00002390997 bam 8.5 GB
281 Files (1.3 TB)