The Team
Ana T. Alonso
Silvia Bahena
Aldar Cabrelles
Ángel Carreño
Marcos Casado
Giulia Cellerino
Amy Curwin
Teresa D'Altri
Abeer Fadda
Raül Garcia
Teresa Garcia
Mei Gascón
Sara Gregorio
Max Fischer
Csaba Halmagyi
Bela Juhasz
Oriol Lopez-Doriga
Mireia Marin
Óscar Martínez
Andrea Mero
Akiris Moctezuma
Aurora Moreno
Liina Nagirnaja
Francesc de Puig
Santiago Rensonnet
Gabriele Rinck
Aravind Sankar
Andres Silva
Coline Thomas
Sabela de la Torre
Gemma Vicente
The EGA Team at the CRG co-manages the European Genome and phenome Archive together with the EGA Team at the European Bioinformatics Institute.
In addition to maintaining and distributing data, we enrich the contents of the EGA contributing with our knowledge about genomics and the relationship between genomes and phenomes.
Previous Team Members
Alexander Senf
Alexander Vikhorev
Jeff Almeida-King
Mario Alberich
Sergi Aguilo
Pablo Arce
Minjie Ding
Alfred Gil
Leslie Glass
Jag Kandasamy
Vasudev Kumanduri
llkka Lapalainen
Audald Lloret i Villas
Sira Martinez
Anand Mohan
Dietmar Orth
Justin Paschall
Saif Ur Rehman
Gary Saunders
Thomas Smith
Ashutosh Shimpi
Marc Sitges
Dhvani Solanki
Giselle Kerry
Nino Spataro
Dylan Spalding
Matthieu Vizuete-Forster
Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia
Paul Flicek
Anna Foix
Emilio Garcia Rios
Jorge Izquierdo
Roberto Ariosa
Marta Ferri Peradalta
Daniel Barrowdale
Babita Singh
Umuthan Uyan
Aleix Canalda
Dona Shaju
Mauricio Moldes
Carles Garcia
Frédéric Haziza
Alegria Aclan
Lauren Fromont
Mallory Freeberg
Alvis Brazma
Marta Huertas
Arnau Soler
Gemma Milla
Claudia Vasallo
Aina Jené